Housing proposal for Woolwich Catholic Club

Housing development plans in Woolwich never stop rolling in. And given the huge expanse of land suitable for housing development, that’s no bad thing at all. The newest post was going to be a write up about Berkeley Homes’ new plans for five riverside towers by the Waterfront leisure centre, but that’s been shuffled down the pecking order. Today I’ll briefly cover plans for housing on the site of the old Catholic Club. It has 68 flats, a gym at basement and street level and would be 11-storeys in height. The planning reference is 16/1975/F.

catholic club

Here’s what it will replace. No great loss, architecturally.

catholic club 3

The architects behind this planned block are Plus. It’s a decent effort – pretty understated with decent proportions, strongly defined lines and a rhythm to the facade. It’ll be located next to the forthcoming 128 room Premier Inn, which is now due to open in Spring 2017. The former developers went bust, leaving a number of containers in a half-finished structure. They’ve now gone, and Premier Inn are in line to operate the hotel, which retains the same basic form.

premier inn

The current Catholic Club has been derelict for about five years. It has stood out like a sore thumb as plans moved ahead on sites all around, including over the road where this is planned:

Sovereign House Woolwich proposals


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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

4 thoughts on “Housing proposal for Woolwich Catholic Club

  • Looks good.

    Just to let you know, I received a response from some emails I sent regarding the Woolwich Estates regeneration program.

    Unfortunately, it seems Lovell may not be able to meet their commitments for the Morris Walk and Maryon Road Estates. Some further lobbying required to keep these projects moving, those estates are in a very poor state of repair and will only get worse if their future is left in limbo.

  • I guess half the guests in the Royal Arsenal hotel will be looking for the football stadium..At least I was confused about the station name when I arrived in London for the first time:)
    Looking forward to next posts

  • Fair enough but in the same week that RBG are sending out letters to tenants on “Pay to stay” what is the business plan for these flats?

    Is private profit trumping affordable housing need?

  • How is this development plan going on? Any idea how we can get in-touch with the owners of the Woolwich Catholic Club?


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