Greenwich Square to see more homes in revised plans as other east Greenwich housing projects commence


Revised plans have been submitted to increase the number of homes to be built in the last phase of ‘Greenwich Square’ on the former site of Greenwich Hospital.

Developers Hadley Mace are looking to up the total number of home by 41, taking the total to 686 from 645. The number of habitable rooms increases to 1981.


Around half the site has currently been built or is under construction.


The revised plans have seen a couple of stories added to the block.


It all looks a bit dated and early 2000s. It wont be winning any awards.

Over the road

A couple of other smaller developments are now underway or imminent, as covered in this post on smaller east Greenwich developments.

One is the demolition of the old Cycle Warehouse shop for a block of flats:

cycle warehouse

And what it will become:

cycle shop

I wonder if it is feasible to close the junction directly beside here leading onto narrow one-way Rodmere Street.


It could then permit altering this stretch to improve things for pedestrians – removing a crossing, barriers, opening up the space and lengthening the designated cycle lane by 10-20 metres. Also removing a rat-run but still allowing easy access to residents from Vanbrugh Hill.

The whole junction is pretty horrible and extremely ugly. Small steps like this could occur and not have much impact on bigger changes planned down the line. It’s the kind of thing that puts people off walking and with east Greenwich in line for environmental and green initiatives, making walking more attractive to people is key to changing behaviour. Though I’m not a resident, so it would be interesting to hear their thoughts.

On the opposite side of the junction the former Greenwich Town Social Forum is being demolished for a block of flats and replacement club.

greenwich social club now

greenwich social club

Demolition of the existing building is already well underway. This 18 flat scheme will see a replacement club.

EDIT: Another proposal is for 33 student flats behind the old east Greenwich library. I wasn’t sure it had begun but have just seen a tweet from Mister Greenwich on twitter with a photo showing demolition at the site begun on Monday.


And the finished building should appear like this:

denham street 33 flats student

Thanks to @mistergreenwich

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

16 thoughts on “Greenwich Square to see more homes in revised plans as other east Greenwich housing projects commence

  • Thank you very much for the update on East Greenwich. Sadly it seems to be a constant occurrence that developers change their building plans in order to add more floors to increase the number of units as well as reducing underground parking space, both of which have a negative impact to residents such as a reduction of light and parking issues in the surrounding streets…. And unfortunately it seems that Greenwich Council have no objection to this at all! It’s all about the money rather than the quality of life for residents…
    I agree with your comments about the junction Blackwall Lane/Trafalgar Road, it’s a real eyesore and is always clogged up. Your idea may help in some way. I’m not sure what the solution is but there’s got to be one!

  • That junction is awful. I can’t believe in the 10 years I’ve been here that nothing has been done to improve it.

    I wouldn’t mind closing that junction. Anything to remove all the obstructions on pavements. Its a great area but the pavements are too narrow and then the council keep putting in lots of street furniture adding to clutter and impediments to pedestrians.

    A number of bollards were installed a few months back. Why I don’t know as there’s already signs directly beside and around them that would stop parking! But that’s a grand spent, or wasted. And more obstacles for the disabled, parents and other pedestrians.

  • Just to clarify after reading that back. 1) I meant the big overall junction is awful but that can’t be closed obviously, and the closure was in reference to the small road mentioned in the article. 2) When I talked about signs stopping bollards I didn’t mean just there presence but the actual physical poles they sit on in effect do the job of a bollard so why spend large sums putting one in a few centimetres away? Its a sign that there is no sense in those in charge. And it can’t be a legal thing as the other side of the junction has no bollards at all. If they want to spend thousands use it to remove obstacles not install new ones.

  • It is astounding that the entire stretch still looks like something out of the 1970s. The council are so stuck in the past with design outlook.

    Don’t forget there’s been other developments the past 5 years in addition to all those mentioned. Yet not one penny has gone to improving things. There was the Peltons and also these two blocks on the right:,0.0085466,3a,75y,281.89h,92.89t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxJ2J5CsNdiWuays_-fauuw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

    One was rebuilt in the same style as before but with an added roof. And another new shop unit was built a bit further along with some flats above.

    Almost all sides of the junction rebuilt the past 10 years and nothing done to it. Not even some nicer street furniture. Over London most of these 70s eyesore junctions have been transformed recently. Too many to mention but anyone who lives in this city and leaves the borough would have seen them.

    A friend recently moved to the Peninsula. He walked to meet me in Greenwich. He wont do that again given how anti-pedestrian it is. Surprised how backwards the design is in most areas. Do local representatives live here at all? They surely can’t not see how dated the design is and how pro-car it all is!?!

  • It is really up to one of the three current councillors to answer this, not me, as an old has been and hack. Anyway – some reminisences – Rodmere Street – when I was on the Council, for the area, we were aware of the problems with it. I can’t now remember why it was never closed at that end. Dick Quibell who was my co-councillor up to 2014 was determined to do something about all the side roads along Trafalgar Road and he will remember the whys and wherefores more than me. He worked very hard on all of this but only achieved the barrier in Old Woolwich Road, after years of studies and discussions. I can’t really remember but I think Rodmere’s problem is about the problems, maybe, of getting refuse vehicles down there, and because the flats in the cinema have a rear car park entry in an area where you can’t manoevre very easily. But we certainly tried to get it closed, in the way you suggest.
    Some other points – first of all I am pretty sure that the traffic lights are controlled by Transport for London – and I can think of several instances we asked them to be done differently. and failed. (sorry). Even since i came off the council i am aware of an argument with TfL on those lights following their removal of the bus stop outside the Health Centre.
    I don’t know anything about the bollards – are you talking to the East Greenwich Residents Association – I am aware they are talking to the Council about street furniture and some things may have been added or removed at their request – but I don’t know. Can I suggest the various people who have commented above get in touch with them or the Greenwich Society – to make sure their views are added to those of the other people involved.. . A lot of street furniture further along in Woolwich Road went in following a series of community meetings at which residents said what they wanted.
    I didn’t know the Cycle Warehouse had consent for flats, which isn’t good.
    Greenwich Town Social Club – entirely run by local residents – they decided to alter the club in order to survive, as so many working men’s clubs have gone, They are really trying to make a go of it.
    The ‘student flats’ – the council turned down the first time. On both occasions I supported a resident group who wanted to object, another failure on my part clearly
    Sorry to go on so It really is up to the three current councillors to answer you on this, not me. and hope they do better.

    • oh – and ps – I think with Rodmere Street – it has to be open at one end of the other to allow service vehicles to get to the houses. I think it is thought that if it was open at the Vanburgh Hill end then potential rat runner would go into it and then try and turn, or go through the no entry or whatever

  • Sadly you are dead right about the Council’s neglect of the public realm and their lack of interest in decent design. As far as I know the only improvement made to Trafalgar Rd has been the “greening” project instigated by EGRA, initially funded from people’s own pockets and then supported by the Council and the Mayor.
    All that s106 cash went somewhere but it didn’t go into making the old streets as shiny and smart as the new developments. Now the Council will have to consult about how some of the Community Infrastructure Levy is to be spent to local benefit. So we might get a say in how some of the millions is deployed. The public realm ought to be a priority.

  • I was hoping Council Officers might be learning, and Councilors pushing them, but amazingly the latest Greenwich Council document to be consulted on, which is about Greener Greenwich, has almost no mention of public realm. It goes on about how to get people out of there cars but doesn’t seem to acknowledge just how crucial attractive, safe and welcoming streets and public spaces are in doing so. It’s really quite something to ignore, but matches all the other plans, documents and strategies that show minimal knowledge or interest whilst other Local Authorities grasp the importance.

    If streets are filthy, cluttered, messy and littered with obstacles then some will get in their car instead. If traversing poorly managed and designed estates is needed to reach a bus stop, which is on a grotty old street, people will head to cars.

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