A look inside Woolwich’s forthcoming Cultural District as plans submitted

Woolwich’s Creative District has taken a step forward with plans for conversion of Grade II Listed Building 19 submitted and a new-build ticket office.

This photo show the interior which will be converted into performance space.

In total four Grade II and one Grade II* listed buildings will be used to create 15,000 square metres of flexible space for use as performance and rehearsal venues, dance studios, exhibition areas, event spaces and workshops.

This application mainly covered Building 19 and a new ticket office.

Building 19 was the former carriage mounting shop.

The buildings are designed for an “immersive theatre show will include live and recorded performances, a micro cinema, karaoke, room hire, daytime events, evening parties, ancillary offices, workshops for production departments, production space and theatrical, schools and training workshops and the sale of food and beverage within the show bar”.

The capacity for shows is estimated to be 750 people with 130 staff.

A temporary link building is to be built between Building 19 and Building 17 (the former Firepower Museum) which will act as a ticket office.

A fantastic site covering the history of the Arsenal site can be seen here.

The planning reference is 18/2335/L

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

7 thoughts on “A look inside Woolwich’s forthcoming Cultural District as plans submitted

  • How long until ‘speak out woolwich’ oppose this wonderful idea?

  • Re: that link building, I’m surprised Berkeley have decided to block off another street on the estate. Already there’s the warren around the Crossrail/Building 11 sites (blocking Major Draper Street), and the wall at the rear of Building 10 blocking Arsenal Way.

    Looking forward to something using these buildings though.

    • I’m so glad you commented on that, Ross. I’m sure it’ll look lovely, but building across one of the last remaining open spaces, is just so thoughtless and lacking in consideration for those of us living on the Royal Arsenal, who are already having to live in what is rapidly becoming a rat run.

  • The link to the Royal Arsenal website was a bonus. The plan looks like a fine use of the existing space and would be preferable to another rectangular block awaiting another retail outlet

  • Pingback: Woolwich Creative District’s next phase on former Heritage Centre site revealed – From The Murky Depths

  • The cultural district will be a great use for this historic buildings on the Royal Arsenal. I hope Speak Out Woolwich will not oppose these plans. Woolwich is in need of regeneration..

    The cultural district will be good for Woolwich.

  • Pingback: How Woolwich Royal Arsenal looks as Crossrail’s (missed) opening approached – From The Murky Depths

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