Further details of new Lewisham cinema and housing plans emerge

A couple of weeks ago I covered revised plans for Lewisham Gateway which now includes a cinema.

This is the next stage of a large scale development on what was formerly the large roundabout in front of Lewisham station. Initial plans were blocked and have now been altered to include the cinema and more “affordable” homes.

A new set of images are included in detailed reserved matters submitted to Lewisham Council last week.

Alongside a cinema are 530 homes and a new “High Street” linking the station to the town centre.

In recent weeks plans emerged to demolish Lewisham town centre. It’s likely towers will be included in any rebuild. The status of citibank tower is uncertain. Plans have been approved twice for conversion to residential usage but no progress seen.

A tower in Lewisham Gateway Phase 2 is planned closest to the Citibank tower.

Developers plan to complete the scheme in 2021-22.

Two separate applications cover this work. One can be seen here and the other here.

UPDATE: The project was approved in spring 2019.

Full details:

Approval of Reserved Matters for Blocks C (part 3/10/12 storeys), D1 (16-19 storeys), D2 (30 storeys) and E (4 storeys) to provide a total of 530 residential units (comprising 16 studio units, 238 one-bedroom units, 271 two-bedroom units and 5 three-bedroom units), 6,308m² (GEA) of co-living floorspace (comprising 119 co-living units and communal facilities (Use Class sui generis)), 4,381m² (GEA) of retail/restaurant/cafe, floorspace (Use Class A1 and/or A3), 1,525m² (GEA) of co-working floorspace (Use Class B1), a cinema, (2,472m² GEA) and gym (1,606m² GEA) (Use Class D2), and associated hard and soft landscaping works, pursuant to condition 2, relating to layout, scale, appearance and landscaping for the comprehensive mixed use redevelopment of the outline approval DC/18/105218 (granted on 29 November 2018) under Section 73 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 as a Minor Material Amendment in connection with the planning permission DC/06/62375 (granted on 8 May 2009) for the comprehensive mixed use redevelopment of the Lewisham Gateway Site, SE13 (land between Rennell Street and Lewisham Railway Station) for up to 100,000m² comprising retail (A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5), offices (B1), hotel (C1), residential (C3), education/health (D1) and leisure (D2) with parking and associated infrastructure, as well as open space and water features.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

3 thoughts on “Further details of new Lewisham cinema and housing plans emerge

  • They need to sort out that new road layout, approaching from New Cross direction is dangerous, the lanes are all wrong as you go under the railway bridge, vehicles constantly cutting in, and is a complete mess. The amount of near misses I have had there is amazing, and that bus lane is too wide. This needs reviewing urgently!

    • I agree Andy.
      The layout is horrible and causes all sorts of havoc!

  • Should have left Lewisham as it was, to a point I understand updating to bring it into the 21st Century but what’s been done is totally ridiculous. The blocks are so close, you can jump from the balcony of one to the other, No sunlight in between them. God forbid there’s a fire. No sunsight between half of them. The new road layout is atrocious, and confusing as hell.
    That isn’t Lewisham anymore.


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