Lewisham town centre parking restrictions to be expanded

A Lewisham Council meeting last week agreed that changes to parking zones across the borough be implemented.

One such change is for the town centre Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) to be “extended to 7 pm from Monday to Saturday for all of Lewisham Central (Zone B) and the zone be split with the southern section also including operational hours of 9am to 1:30pm on Sundays.”

The council’s report states “There was a distinct area of support for the introduction of restrictions on a Sunday from 9am to 1:30pm.” Costs of £55,000 to alter at 652 signs have been estimated.

Elsewhere the hours and days of operation at Blackheath (BHA), Rushey Green West (E), Deptford Central (S), Deptford South (DS), Elverson (G) and Ladywell (T) zones will not change.


Other street alterations include extending double yellow line markings at junctions to 10 metres. Pavement parking will also be removed in certain locations with more street trees and electric vehicle charging.

The council’s report states that 47 per cent of households do not own a car in the borough which is likely to increase given car-free developments in various areas.

Pavement parking

The program will also cover street design, with a drive to “reduce street clutter and remove unnecessary signs, railings and advertising hoardings in a bid to make streets tidier”.

“Officers will use this programme as an opportunity to carry out reviews of street clutter and will address this through implementation of Sustainable Streets measures.”

Some responses to consultation had criticised pavement parking and poor levels of enforcement.

Work will now be undertaken as according to the report: “pavement parking is common across the borough and, where unauthorised, can inhibit access for pedestrians, particularly vulnerable groups such as individuals with mobility or visual impairements, wheelchair users, children, elderly individuals and those pushing buggies.

“Removing footway parking where possible can improve the area for walking by providing more space, helping to support active travel.”


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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    3 thoughts on “Lewisham town centre parking restrictions to be expanded

    • I notice the council talks about removing street clutter, then how about removing the right of residents along the New Cross Rd by the bus garage where local resident of the block of flats there, carelessly abandon their rubbish on the pavements. We have to negotiate overflowing bins, rotting food and litter including mattresses, as we wait for the buses at the New Cross Buis Garage stop. Surely like the rest of us, bins should be kept on the property uuntil the specified day of collection. This is a health & safety hazard that the council ignore.

    • Sounds like a positive change. Can only hope Greenwich takes note and follows suit. So many pavements made harder to walk down due to badly placed poles and bits of street furniture.

    • I have given up asking the council to implement residents’ only parking on my street that is a five minute walk from a railway station. Commuters park for free all day and if you happen to use your car during the day, chances are you will return to find no where to park.


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