Greenwich Council's first cycling forum tonight at Woolwich Town Hall
The inaugural meeting of a forum for cyclists and Greenwich Council begins tonight at 7pm, at the town hall on Wellington Street in Woolwich. It is claimed to be a place to “have your say in all matters related to cycling in Royal Greenwich.”
In the councils own words:
“The evening will include an overview of what the Royal Borough has been doing to promote more and safer cycling since the launch of the Cycling Strategy in 2014.
Attendees will have the chance to shape the future of cycling in the borough as we ask for suggestions to improve current facilities. Officers will be on hand to answer questions on all aspects of cycling in the borough.
Cycle parking is available outside the Woolwich Centre, opposite the Town Hall, and a free Dr Bike service will be available for people attending the forum.
If you wish to attend, please let us know by“
There’s certainly scope for a big increase in cyclists to help reduce the pressure on roads and public transport. Some good recent work has been an improved Ridgeway from Thamesmead to Plumstead. Another cycle lane is planned from Blackheath to Westcombe Park station on a quietway route, running adjacent to the Blackwall approach road:
The staff involved with cycling do seem a good bunch – the issue is whether they get much support from other areas within the council. Areas such as the Highways Department management, as the department often appears to lack knowledge when it comes to modern street design, and catering for pedestrians and cyclists.