Further details emerge of 1600 home Thamesmead & Abbey Wood development

Peabody plans aerial

Housing Association Peabody have submitted preliminary planning documents for the demolition and rebuild of parts of Thamesmead and Abbey Wood. The rebuilding project is split into four segments with 1661 homes planned.

Peabody plans squareSome new information is contained within the scoping report. The map above shows the first stage, named Southmere Village. Plans are most advance here, and detailed planning is due shortly.

Outline permission is also being sought for the following three stages – Binsey Walk to the north, with 330 homes planned. The flats here are now mostly empty. To the south there’s both Coralline Walk (550 homes planned) which is now seeing resdients moved out, and a section called ‘Sedgemere’ (219 homes planned). Each stage sees towers up to 15 storeys.

The section named Sedgemere is located opposite Sainsbury’s and in Abbey Wood. It currently contains some small industrial units, a petrol station and a small parade of shops. This section is almost on top of the Crossrail station.

Other information contained:

  • The road link at Lensbury Way to the new roundabout by Sainsbury’s is likely to be severed. The roundabout was only built and opened six months ago. It probably makes sense given the messy road layout now existing, but where was the forward planning?
Lensbury Way on left. Sedgemere area behind
Lensbury Way on left. Sedgemere area behind
  • A consideration of widening Harrow Manorway between Abbey Wood station and Yarnton Way to provide a bus lane in each direction. This is essential being the main link between much of north Thamesmead and Abbey Wood station.
  • Buses are already slowed as traffic has increased notably since Sainsbury’s opened with more traffic lights installed. Add in thousands of homes and Crossrail and gridlock is likely without action. Plenty of space exists to widen as substantial grass verges are located all along the road.
Main route to station from Thamesmead.
Main route to station from Thamesmead.
  • No mention of a cycle lane along here. There’s space, and if widening the road and paving then a segregated cycle lane would be pretty easy and cheap to install.
  • More traffic lights added to Yarnton Way & Eynsham Drive roundabout. They’re likely to be needed with many new homes and things such as Lidl’s rebuilding (which will hopefully include housing itself). The roundabout is pretty substantial and takes up much land – it may make more sense to convert to a junction to increase land available for housing on sites surrounding it, such as the car wash.
Much wasted land
Much wasted land – car wash on left

The roundabout itself is bloody huge, with land on the left in the above image severely under-utilised. Greenwich council’s beautiful Highways design and management is also much in evidence here. A new masterplan really does need drawing up by councils for this whole area. It’s just five minutes walk from the forthcoming Crossrail station.

  • Removal of the bridge over Harrow Manorway with a street level crossing. Also, a bus lane installed here.

harrow bridge

As there’s almost never any problems here with buses being held up, unlike many other areas, I’d hope this is carefully studied before money spent. Similar things have happened nearby, with other users then funneled into one lane causing congestion. The newly created queues lead back onto other single lane roads nearby which in turns slows down buses on those streets. A supposed bus improvement measure actually slows down buses.

The document also states that developers Hub, behind stage two of Cross Quarter at Abbey Wood, are looking to increase the numbers of flats beyond previous plans. It’s no surprise given the location and HUB’s previous type of development. They are now looking at three blocks, one a 20 storey tower, and containing 250-300 flats.

Stage 1 – Southmere Village

Peabody plans aerial 2
Indicative render from 2015 consultation

Detailed plans for stage 1 should be submitted in coming months, and if approved work on site would commence in early 2017 with first occupations in early 2018. 562 homes are planned here.

rebuild early plans

In the meantime, a new road crossing is to be built on Yarnton Way. A footbridge was recently demolished which made crossing the road a bit tricky. The southern path is being widened, which is badly needed, as can be seen below:

crossing yarnton

corraline walk thamesmead pavement
Very narrow paths. Massive roundabout seen behind

So then, assuming these plans run to schedule, there could be around1000 homes built in the vicinity of Abbey Wood station before Crossrail opens. Some have predicted Crossrail will be full on day one. I’m not sure about that, and there’s scope to extend trains on it, but it does show how planning for infrastructure improvements needs to continually move forward.

Paris is leading the way, with four lines coming in the next 15 years. Don’t bank on the UK being so pro-active. Crossrail and Thameslink are opening decades after originally planned due to constant government wavering, which is exacerbating issues now at London Bridge, and even the short Bakerloo line extension (originally planned in the 1930s) is due to take 15 years to build.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

16 thoughts on “Further details emerge of 1600 home Thamesmead & Abbey Wood development

  • My goodness – now you’ve panicked me! We knew the 1930’s houses were coming down at the top of our road along with corraline walk – but not that they would be replaced with 15 story tower blocks!

  • I’m a resident in coralline walk and I’d like to ask where the residents that live in 3 and 4 bed property’s are going thames mead and abbey wood have very very little 3 and 4 bed property’s available for social housing

    • It’s a good question – have many people moved away yet? I’m surprised Peabody havn’t told you anything.

      • Coralline walk hasn’t had much luck but Evenlode has as there in bedsits and have been easier to rehouse into 1 bed probably high rise flats I know of one since July of last year that has been moved out my neighbour went from a 3 bed that she lived in for 30 years into a 2 bed cause of rules that she was only entitled to her family needs and has just 1 son and she was a pensioner and payed full rent

      • Peabody arnt letting us residents know much I’m having to look on this website for infomation I’m waiting on. A move as I’ve stated the sooner the better

  • Kelsey look up Red loft Hun on there it says peabody have asked them to buy 100 places but not know if this is really happening . I know of 2 other moves but that all

  • Social housing my left foot. Have you seen the rental prices on the homes that Peabody have brought back. A 4 bed Town House on Redpoll way is now £1400 PCM. Plus you have to be working and on and prove about £42k a year. So yeah, social housing my left foot!!!!!!

  • It’s hard to make out on the map, but do you know what area the furtherest tip of the yellow patch marked “later stages of development” opposite covers? Peabody mention building a temporary high street on Harrow Manor Way, but does anyone know which side of Abbey Wood station this will be? It would a shame if the dated parade of shops by the station is left ignored, whilst the other side continues to attract investment. Admittedly the properties and the retail spaces underneath are somewhat small, and a complete overhaul of the street seems unlikely, but there is some scope for development with the abandoned ground near the roundabout (with Knee Hill, McLeod Rd exits) that has the car wash and boarded up building.

    • The coloured in areas of the map are all the north side of the railway line. I read the Newshopper online and couldn’t understand the term ‘temporary High Street ‘ in Harrow Manorway. It’s either built with shops and eateries or not! As to the quote:-

      “We hope the new mobile high street will provide a platform for local people, harnessing their talent and innovation” so it’s on wheels then is it?

      To make a proper High Street on the south side of the station – the village area, would probably involve knocking it down and rebuilding it – which I doubt will be done. When we first moved here the village had everything from a butchers to shoe shops – it now has multiples of the same trades.

      • I thought that might be the case with the Sainsbury’s side attracting the development. Hopefully Wilton Road doesn’t become the “poor side” with Crossrail approaching, but it’s hard to see what can be done with the existing space there. New businesses taking over some of the shops, such as one if not both the betting shops would be a great start.

  • We are on the north side of the railway line – which has been the poor side for years – but quite honestly living here with all the building works and with loads more to come, has become a nightmare.

    When I first learned that the 1930’s properties at the top of our road (Overton) were in the proposed development zone I wrote to Peabody asking whether the properties would be bought – at an under market value – by a compulsory purchase order, if residents didn’t wish to sell. This question wasn’t answered, but plans are now underway to do just that.


    Consultations are just for show; most of the plans are well advanced. I’m sorry for those in Coralline – they deserve better housing but they will probably be moved where they don’t won’t to go and in-comers, with more money, will get the better quality replacement housing.

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  • A cinema and gym/leisure centre would be fantastic addition to area. Would be within walking distance for existing residents and proposed increase in population in Abbey Wood/Thamesmead. Are there still plans for hotel, nursery and library?


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