Still no word on where up to £3 million will be spent in Greenwich next year


More and more London Councils’s have revealed where they’d like to spend millions of pounds that Transport for London provide each year to improve roads, bridges, paths and public spaces such as shopping parades and estates. Many councils have done so after consultation with local people and groups. I covered the stark difference between Lewisham and Greenwich councils here.

A few weeks on from that post, and a good week at least after Greenwich were supposed to sign it off, and only then allow the public a view, nothing has emerged.

The lack of consultation, transparency and publicity continues.

Islington Council, for example, have publicised their intentions:


Look at that “safer routes to estates” section. Exactly what Greenwich should be doing at the many run down estates I frequently cover on this blog.  Improving access for residents and visitors to local shops and services.  The money is there. Islington are doing this. Greenwich have barely done a thing despite a regular, assured income for over a decade. And they don’t consult sufficiently to ensure this happens now.

The one at the bottom about small public spaces is also something “Royal” Greenwich could learn a lot from.

Pretty much everyone knows about heavy cuts from central Government. Many, including me, do not agree with them. But that cannot be an excuse for not using what is there to improve the many, many estates, town centres, transport hubs and public spaces in poor condition.



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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

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