37 council homes planned near Charlton Village

Hot on the heels of plans for 341 homes at Victoria Way in Charlton, covered last week, comes a plan for 37 new homes near Charlton Village on Fletching Road. Greenwich Council are behind the plans, which are part of their current home building program. Back in March proposals for 32 homes at Sandpit Place in Charlton were submitted.

The site is currently occupied by Fred Styles House, which was previously used as a sheltered home scheme but closed in 2013.

Before that this stood on the site until around the 1960s:

The development is surrounded by a conservation zone and will be low-rise mews houses. I like the look of this:

It’s good to see more construction from Greenwich Council, and far better designs than previous housebuilding around five years ago which have aged very badly. Unfortunately the borough has some of the harshest limitations on buildings imposed by central government in the country.

That means more people living in unsecured private rentals at high cost which is now costing taxpayers around £9 billion each and every year. Using that money to instead build social homes would produce much employment, more secure tenancies, free up buy-to-lets for first time buyers, reduce private rents and reduce taxpayers spending, or at least see a return on such vast spending instead of lining landlords pockets. But when you have many politicians making money from this situation why would they change it?

Here’s the description of this plan from the Greenwich Planning Portal:

“17/1460/F | Demolition of existing block and garages and construction of 37 residential units comprising 3 x 1-bed, 5 x 2-bed flats and 16 x 1-bed, 7 x 2-bed, 6 x 3-bed houses with associated landscaping, parking and refuse. (This affects the setting of the Charlton Village Conservation Area and the Grade II* Listed Building – St Luke’s Church) | Fred Styles House and Adjacent Garages, 20 Fletching Road, Charlton, SE7″

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

6 thoughts on “37 council homes planned near Charlton Village

  • The 37 new council homes will be very much welcomed on the site of the old sheltered housing building which has been left to stand empty for 4 years since 2013.

    • CDT, as per my post below, Fred Styles House has not been ‘left to stand empty’; it has, however, provided accommodation for property guardians – all of whom will be turfed out in order to allow for disruption, noise and construction dirt, alongside the removal of parking spaces for disabled and elderly residents and disruption to the Charlton Village Conservation Area and St. Luke’s Church, a Grade II* Listed Building.

  • Pingback: 582 homes and new cinema before Greenwich Planning Board next week – FromTheMurkyDepths

  • I write with reference to the above article and your presumption that the prospect “is a very welcome scheme”. It is certainly not welcomed by existing residents within the immediate vicinity.

    Unfortunately, for the existing residents (most of whom are in their sixties and seventies) within this area of Fletching Road, this now means that the secure resident-only-access gate to the side of the current development backing onto Charlton Church Lane will be removed, to provide for an open througfare for the general public. Additional ‘mews’ streets will also be introduced. What is currently a quiet, peaceful environment for those residents – most of whom are past retirement age – will now become a shortcut for those wishing to take a shortcut to football matches and to the train station, ruining what peace and quiet there is within this neighbourhood. A decrease in crime across the estate was also evident when the gate was introduced in the mid-eighties – something which has the potential to increase as a result, leaving elderly people, who once felt secure, feeling extremely vulnerable.

    Furthermore, proposed plans for this new development will see what limited parking spaces there are in close proximity to the four existing houses and almshouses eradicated, leaving those with disabilities and mobility issues without a car parking space within close proximity to their homes; that said, the only car parking spaces which will be allotted will be three designated spaces for three new disabled flats which will replace the garages which have been left to rot for a number of years. Slightly ironic.

    Additionally, one such disabled resident in their 70s with a blue badge was told by a Greenwich Council representative that a car parking space could be arranged in Charlton Lane – a ten minute walk for an able-bodied person on a route that lies on a rather steep hill.

    Aside from the four current houses standing opposite Fred Styles House, which currently accommodates pleasant property guardians (contrary to CDT’s statement above), the almshouses surrounding the outer perimeter of the estate were originally intended to house those over 50 years of age – a majority of residents within them to this day meet this requirement.

    A petition was delivered to the Council disputing the development proposed, which was – according to the original petitioner – signed by over 90 per cent of the residents. I am sure this will be ignored, however, and the needs of people within their twilight years will be disregarded. The development is far from ‘welcome’ for the current residents for these above reasons.

  • Thank you for the updates. I was wrongly informed by a Council Representative that the building was empty hence the proposal for new housing. Sorry If I caused any offence to anyone has this was not my intention.


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