Kidbrooke tower blocks approved as new town centre progresses

Greenwich Council’s Planning Board last month approved plans for more large blocks in Kidbrooke with an increase in planned homes. These all fall under Phase 3 of the scheme and are on the temporary site of Sainsbury’s and the Doctors.

Revisions for Phase 3 mean the number of homes planned in Block C rises from 83 to 104, Block D goes from 294 homes to 334.  Block E similarly rises from 207 to 252 flats. That one is 100% “affordable” with 46% social rent.

When looking overall at Phase 3 – 38% is “affordable” but just 12% is social rent.

Currently, Block A and B of Phase 3 (the Village Centre) are underway. That’s what you may have seen rising beside Kidbrooke station. A new Sainsbury’s and Young’s pub will be included as will the tallest tower of the scheme.

A new station is due in  2018. There has been an increase in passengers from 900k users in 2011/12 to 1.6 million in 2015/16.

In relation to the recent approvals and increase in homes, it seems that Southeastern were not contacted about the plan. This is why TfL Rail having control through London Overground is important – they would have a say and liaise with developers. The Department for Transport were not contacted. Network Rail did not reply.

It’s clear why recent consultation documents for future capacity propose very little increases, as organisations that should be advocating for more carriages aren’t engaged.


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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

6 thoughts on “Kidbrooke tower blocks approved as new town centre progresses

  • Fantastic! I am always excited for more projects in SE London after years of neglect.

  • And only Kidbrooke station to serve all those new people moving into the area?! No thanks. We need MORE extended tube, DLR and overground trains in SE London now!

    • Very unlikely any time soon for a DLR or tube extension. Even the far cheaper and easier options (relatively) aren’t being taken with very little 12-car trains running in the peaks either now or in 10 years under Network Rail plans.

      Council’s should be shouting loud about it but havn’t been.

  • None of these plans were made to local people who were promised No More Tower blocks Greenwich council have taken most of our green space which is now used as peoples back gardens. They have decimated the local wild life and replaced it with these hideous tower blocks and crammed as many homes as possible in the space which was our green space and not within reach of local people pockets with prices starting from 815,000 pounds disgraceful moves and lies from a labour council x

  • Mike Weston from TFL Promised in a meeting when local people were trying to get additional buses on route 108 to ease overcrowding issues on the route between Blackheath Village and North Greenwich station. He would seriously look at providing a bus service between Kidbrooke Village and North Greenwich Station once more of the buildings have been built and occupied. Sadly he has now left his position at TFL so guess this may no longer happen. I agree the area would be benefit from a extension to the DLR or Tube but cannot see happening anytime soon.

  • Pingback: Homebase Kidbrooke closing – more homes and towers coming to store sites? – From The Murky Depths

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