Not much going on. That’ll change.

It’s been a beautiful bank holiday weekend and that means there’s much better things to do than read websites for many.

But it’s back to work for many, and with local election’s over, what will this week and month have in store for us? Could new leaders emerge in Greenwich this week?

And what will happen with large developments? Some were deferred before the election, such as 771 homes in Charlton, and others would have been held back from submission.

Planning deferred before election

Analysis has shown a greater chance of refusal before an election. What developer would want to run the risk if they can help it?

One thing that has happened in recent days is being blocked by Labour’s Greenwich Peninsula councillor Chris Lloyd. The last time I wrote about a similar issue when his colleague Stephen Brain blocked me (and others) Mr Brain threatened to sue me.

It’s a shame that one of Mr Lloyd’s first actions after winning re-election is to do such a thing. I don’t even recall engaging or replying to him over recent weeks and months.

Then again, you’re hard pressed to get anything but an “authorised” reply from many politicians on certain policies or events. Other issues get no response if a tailored line isn’t available.

And as it’s still easy to see tweets anyway it’s pretty pointless. If it’s to avoid scrutiny it won’t work.

To be honest I don’t think Twitter is a great medium anyway and way too often seems to be people following those who think and feel exactly the same as them.

A far better way for a politician to reach out is a personal (or ward) website with contact details at the end with some real substance. Comments could be switched off. Such a thing wouldn’t have been too radical in 2002, let alone 2018.

Anyway, all the fun and games of who leads Labour in Greenwich is coming soon. One to keep an eye on.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

2 thoughts on “Not much going on. That’ll change.

  • Threatening to sue! Is that the line of defence that Greenwich councillors routinely take to legitimate questions?

  • Not surprised typical behaviour of a Greenwich Councillor. I have not seen or heard from Labour Councillors representing my ward for four years. Did not even come around in person for this years local elections. They also never reply to correspondence. I think they forget that they are there to represent the people that voted them.


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