Woolwich Listed Church has plans to alter interior to install “stackable” chairs

A church group is seeking to remove pews from St Michael & All Angels’ Grade II listed church in Woolwich and replace with stackable chairs.

The church was first constructed in 1878 and is one of the few pre-war buildings still remaining in the area, though was damaged in World War Two and does have a post-war addition built in 1954.

The Church was sold by the Church of England in 2014 and purchased by the Church of Pentecost.

The planning statement states “In the overall context of St Michael’s, it is not felt either that the pews are of high quality, or that contribute greatly to its significance”, as well as being uncomfortable to sit on.

It also states: ‘The congregation is dwindling because of the pews and removing them will help grow the congregation and subsequently increased funds.’

The planning reference is 18/1918/L. Click here to search and view.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

One thought on “Woolwich Listed Church has plans to alter interior to install “stackable” chairs

  • Any idea what they mean? How is it dwindling due to pews.


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