Police seek help with illegal motorbike riders in Thamesmead

Police in Thamesmead are seeking the public’s help with illegal motorbike riding in Thamesmead and have posted the above images.

It follows a wave of motorbike related crime in the area. Social media is awash with people having their bikes stolen.

Three bikes were stolen in one night this week and police recovered four the following day.

You can call 101 with information or email local police teams. Details can be found by Googling “police” and your town.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

4 thoughts on “Police seek help with illegal motorbike riders in Thamesmead

  • the area needs the Overground extension (2 stops) upgrade from Barking riverside to Abbey Wood. Definitely when they are stating ‘regeneration’ and if they actually care it’s not a debate any longer of if, but when = soon the train upgrade

    • Such a plan hasn’t even made it out of consultation stages yet, so at the rate that big infrastructure projects usually run, I wouldn’t expect a river crossing at Barking until 2025 at the very earliest.

      • I’ve a friend who has worked constructing the Crossrail and has also worked around the Abbey Wood area. He has told me the Overground to AW is on the ‘confirmed’ agenda, with then (as they’re doing now with the Thameslink) using force (by TfL etc) to get control in order to regenerate. Plans even go as far as Belvedere and Erith (not the Overground, but Crossrail to Ebbsfleet)

  • This is all very well in theory, we’ve sat in most nights in Abbeywood with motorbikes right under the window up and down the pavement nearly knocking people down, the council have advertised a reporting scheme, and the local police are also now advocating the same except I’ve contacted in recent weeks and it took them over a week to respond and the response was 1 – are the bike riders wearing helmets? 2 – do the bikes have license plates? and that was that, no mention of any further action. I saw police sitting in their vehicle outside my property watching bike riders go up and down the field dangerously and they just drove by, so I’m not exactly doing carthweels that all of a sudden now the summers nearing its end the police want to be helpful in stopping bike crime when they’re quite happy to sit idle all summer whilst we have to listen to motorbikes from first thing in the morning to last thing at night.


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