Stratford shopping centre rebuild plan revealed: 150 metre tower on site

New plans have been revealed to partly demolish the Stratford Centre and build new towers around the site with the tallest topping out at 150 metres.

Ideas to demolish and/or refurbish the Centre have been rumbling around for years now.

Block behind would be demolished

This latest plan submitted to Newham Council seeks to demolish:

  • Morgan House- a 15 storey commercial slab block
  • Two storey building on southern area of the Site including market trader storage premises
  • The northern ramp to the existing Stratford Centre multi-storey car park will be reconfigured or remove to provide an alternative connection. Consideration is being given to how access to the existing multi-storey car park will be re-provided.
Earlier plans

The revised plan would open up the centre of the site. Surrounding that space would be:

  • The North Tower (residential): up to 44 storey with 330 apartments. The maximum height will be approximately 150 metres
  • The South Tower (residential): containing approximately 120 apartments in up to a 17 storey tower with a maximum height of approximately 65m
  • An Office Building: up to 10 storeys
  • The Hotel Building: up to 22 storeys (up to approximately 72m AOD), consist of approximately 280 rooms. The hotel is also likely to include a restaurant and food hall.
Current thinking

This is just the very early stage of the planning process. Consultations and revisions are to be expected in coming months before a final planning submission.

The planning reference is 18/01588/SCOPE

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

3 thoughts on “Stratford shopping centre rebuild plan revealed: 150 metre tower on site

  • I hope that the shops and the underground market survive. I much prefer it to the impossible Westfield which has become as generic and repetitive as Camden Market. Out of curiosity does anyone know if the skaters still have free rein during the night?

  • Just what Stratford needs more flats, I don’t think. Get rid of Carpenters Estate and build flats for non-local people. Looking more and more like a corridor with all these high-rise buildings.

    • What’s wrong with Stratford having more flats?

      Surely a set of brand new buildings would be far less of an eyesore than Morgan House and the multi-storey car park (in their current condition anyway)? The island doesn’t look particularly great right now…


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