Woolwich Creative District’s next phase on former Heritage Centre site revealed

Plans for the first stage of Woolwich Creative District were approved last week (I covered it here), and no time is being wasted as the next stage is submitted for planning approval.

These plans cover buildings on the right

This phase covers Building 41, the former Heritage Centre and Borough Archive building which controversially closed at short notice last month.

Plans would see the building converted to provide:

“Orchestral rehearsal and occasional public performances, with a likely seated audience of 750 people and a maximum of 1100.

The space will also be available for community uses, possibly including
a market on specific days, pop-up exhibitions, fairs or events such as
product launches, with a maximum standing occupancy of 2000”

A music venue for 1,100 will be a big draw. Will it be limited to orchestral music or a wide range of genres?

An internal courtyard will be accessible with modern additions to the Grade II listed buildings:

Buildings will be cleaned up with bricked up arches opened and windows restored.

Here’s some views of how internal areas currently appear:

The planned internal layout can be seen below:

The next plans to be submitted will be dance studios in the building pictured directly ahead in this shot:

Click here to see full plans and comment.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

One thought on “Woolwich Creative District’s next phase on former Heritage Centre site revealed

  • The plans look great using the historical buildings with some modern additions. The cultural district really is going to be a great boost for Woolwich. I will look forward to it being completed.


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