Over 130 bus drivers sign petition over dangerous Plumstead parking
Over 130 TfL bus drivers in south east London have signed a petition for Greenwich Council and TfL to act on long-standing parking problems in Plumstead, which could now see buses cease calling at certain stops near Plumstead station.
Drivers claim they “are fed up with the councils inability and inaction to enforce this area” after complaining multiple times of endemic problems leaving them unable to pull up to kerbs which is affecting the elderly, disabled (especially those in wheelchairs) and parents with buggies.
They have also been verbally abused when asking drivers to move. Parked vehicles are also forcing them to pull out into fast moving traffic upon leaving bus stops.
Drivers state: “the spotlight is on Bus Driver Safety at present with TfL promising to reduce KSI’s yet they are ignoring our concerns. Going through official protocols at work have proved fruitless and even our Area Controllers hit brick walls with Greenwich Council.”
For years this site, along with many others on social media, has highlighted dangerous parking near Plumstead station (along with many other areas). TfL gave Greenwich Council £1.2 million to upgrade the area in recent years as part of a bus improvement scheme yet improvements have been nullified by a failure to enforce against poor parking.
It’s been reported hundreds of times with little action. A post from over three years ago shows how far back it goes.
Council response
In recent weeks Greenwich Council have finally acknowledged issues but responses have raised eyebrows. They claimed they have been “robust” in recent months, yet figures show an average of just 2.5 tickets a week in the area.
Last night alone 32 cars were counted parked on bus lanes at the end of the evening rush hour.
Greenwich Council often give a generic reply when contacted to ring a contact centre. Ignoring the fact that has happened many times, when a specific site is clearly in the grip of ongoing issues a proactive approach is needed. When it’s daily and affecting so many do they really need to be called to visit the area?
The council also claimed last week they would hire four more traffic wardens, though with increases in controlled parking zones and schools that leaves very little scope to visit hotspots. Last year a similar promise of four more staff was made. Little has changed. At the last council meeting Cllr Jackie Smith stated they could not find anyone to do the job.
Failure to enforce parking restrictions is not only causing issues with traffic, public transport speed and vulnerable pedestrians but costing huge sums of money. More than £10 million pounds since 2012.
Despite losses each year the Parking Department never saw a loss in staff from 2010/11 to 2016/17 as a Freedom of Information request revealed:
After 2015/16 only two more staff arrived, yet parking income was over £2 million short that year alone:
Now TfL drivers have launched a petition can it be ignored yet further? It has been for years leading to this point. Serious questions regarding management of the department, oversight and just what elected representatives have been doing for so long must be raised.
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Tickets??? are you kidding me??!!! These cars need towing away!!!
Agreed. Really, what does Greenwich Council do all day?
Is this what it comes to? Seriously lacking management in Greenwich council seemingly aided and abetted by local cllrs who are whitewashed and do not take action. Wake up!!!
Do they really care that little for those in wheelchairs and the elderly that they allow this?
If they do not act on an issue affecting the most vulnerable despite years of it being highlighted and costing millions then how many other issues less “public” are being ignored?
TfL must be fuming. They need more people on buses given budget problems, give “Royal” Greenwich lots of money to speed up journeys and then watch this happen. It’s not a red route so TfL can’t exactly turn up and fine drivers.
This is easy pickings. A parking warden could easily earn their salary back and more by patrolling just that area.
I don’t blame bus drivers wanting to avoid stopping there and hopefully that will prompt TFL and council to take some action.
Another awful area is Parry Place in Woolwich which cars are parked even on the pavement at the junction on Plumstead Road!
Photo enforcement from bus CCTV – not rocket science surely! Photo = evidence = PCN in the post, same way that motorway services, & supermarkets send out fines for staying too long in their car parks. Prominent signs (use bus stop poster panels?) “Parking Management – illegal parking & obstruction of traffic – Penalty Charges – fines will be issued against photographic record of any offences committed – notices may be posted to vehicle keeper or attached to the vehicle”
It is ridiculous, council should put down double red lines then any vehicles parking there can be towed immediately. Must only be a matter of time until there is an accident there, not like there aren’t places to park either, just people being ignorant and lazy. The new layout isn’t the best but it is what we have so people should abide by it.
I agree make this stretch of road by Plumstead Station a red route area with proper monitoring and clamping of vehicles. So buses can stop at the bus stops correctly, For people picking people up at the station a short stay bay could be created as part of the red route scheme.
It’s not a TfL managed road so cannot be a red route
I agree it’s awful there I go past of a morning a 5 45 am and it’s bad then poor bus drivers don’t stand a chance
If the cars are there give them a heafty fine they won’t come back or make it strictly no.parking zone and tow them
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