Crossrail now delayed to 2020? Cost overruns increase further

More cost overruns of Crossrail have been revealed today as well as an admission that the delayed 2019 opening date may now not be met.

Chief executive Mark Wild has stated: “I cannot at this stage commit to an autumn 2019 opening date.”

Abbey Wood station – complete for months more or less with trains stored

Cost overruns are now estimated at between £1.6bn and £2bn. That figure includes £300m already contributed by the DfT and TfL in July 2018 with an estimated £1.3bn to £1.7bn needed to complete the project.

Diamondgeezer visited every station area on the section from Paddington to Abbey Wood to look at progress. Many stations are still way behind completion, at least externally, as is train testing and signal implementation and testing.

Canary Wharf station garden

For those on the south east branch, frustratingly many stations are good to go. Abbey Wood is complete more or less as is Custom House and Canary Wharf. Woolwich isn’t.

Many would be hoping an Abbey Wood to Canary Wharf shuttle could begin though I’ve no idea whether that is feasible, and even if it is it may be seen as embarrassing to operate such a short stump. And where would trains be stored and maintained?

There is the Plumstead sidings for 11 trains, though it offers less comprehensive facilities than other sidings such as Old Oak in west London. Then again, Canary Wharf group who funded their station may be eager to get any sort of service running.

In all likelihood it could be 18 months longer until Abbey Wood to Paddington commences.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

5 thoughts on “Crossrail now delayed to 2020? Cost overruns increase further

  • Nah, December 2019 it will be

  • Both the cost and time over run are mindboggling. I go past Moorgate quite often and it still looks like a building site even after all this time.

    I wouldn’t give any odds on HS2 being built.

  • Woolwich IS a building site! I can hear all the developers moaning about the slowdown in sales because of the lack of a fast link to the City!

  • They have still not started system testing yet.
    I guess mid 2020 is more realistic start, if not for the whole line then at least the central section. Let’s hope there are no more additional cost…

  • What is crossrail?
    ‘Elizabeth Line’ only Please.


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