Abbey Wood library refurb revealed
Plans have finally been revealed on upgrade work for Abbey Wood library five years after Greenwich Council signed a Section 106 agreement to receive £75,000 from Sainsbury’s.
Plans for a new library on Felixstowe Road were originally planned with the money though subsequently scrapped – which made sense given Peabody and Bexley Council plan a new library nearby.
After many questions this plan pops up which looks to rework the existing library and move the entrance towards Eynsham Drive.
It’s welcome to see some investment on the estate. Now if only they could allocate a bit more from two vast schemes recently approved local people would see more benefits.
This area of Abbey Wood has vast potential for change which could transform the estate if the nettle is grasped.
It is good to see the upgrade to Abbey Wood Library finally being revealed. I hope this is the start of further upgrades and regeneration for the Abbey Wood area and estates around Eynsham Drive which do require upgrading.