Police warns users of Sidcup’s Queen Mary Hospital car park over break-ins

Police in Sidcup have advised users of Sidcup Hospital that car thieves are targeting the area.

Thieves appear to be aiming for vans and tools inside according to police. There were several incidents reported over the past week.

Police stated: “We frequently patrol the car park because of the vehicle crime and we will continue to do so. The hospital security are well aware that the car park gets targeted and we’ve previously given suggestions to them about how they can improve security.

“We’ve also had a theft reported at a business on Station Rd. A male walked in and stole an employees purse. The male is described as 5 foot 6, olive skin tone wearing a black cap, jacket with a grey top underneath.

“We’ve had several businesses reporting similar thefts over the past few months, they are not believed to be linked but likely opportunists who can easily see when a shop or business is empty when they are passing. If you work somewhere which is accessible to the public please keep personal property out of view and secure.”

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

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