STOP PRESS: Neglected Greenwich estate sees investment

We thought it’d never happened but as this EXCLUSIVE picture shows Greenwich Council have finally splashed the cash using some of the tens of millions received from nearby developments on improving a deprived estate.

It’s fair to say the whole area has been transformed with three new, top of the range artisanal wooden bollards from the finest craftsmen of the outer Hebrides which join around 28 others in the vicinity.


Fortunately the rest of area was shown not to be in need of improvement upon inspection despite what some say.

What clutter?

Rumours the area is strewn with poor design which do little to encourage sense of pride or encourage walking and cycling have been firmly scotched with this improvement scheme.

Crumbling walls are in fact part of the rustic design.

Expect around 1,500 more bollards to be installed this calendar year bringing joy across the borough.



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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

7 thoughts on “STOP PRESS: Neglected Greenwich estate sees investment

  • What is it with the bollards? They put them on the edge of narrow pavements, meaning you often have to step onto the road to to get around another pedestrian walking the other way. Someone is going to do that without thinking and get hit by a vehicle.

  • Ha, ha ha. But that’s too depressing!

  • I think Greenwich council should be ashamed of themselves for failing to improve the street realm, particularly in this development which is right in the heart of this historic centre. No doubt they would blame this on lack of funds when, in my opinion, some may suspect the truth is that the council would rather spend money on vanity projects and (until recently) free newspapers promoting the council than improvement schemes that would actually improve the lives of the people in Greenwich.

  • The council are still spending money on a free news paper just under a different name. I got one through my door in Greenwich only last week.

    To be honest I do not think Greenwich Council care about our heritage hence them willing to allow the change of name of the Royal Naval College to a new name if finally chosen, This is also located close to the Cutty Sark and in the heart of Historic Greenwich.

    Improvements to public realm areas make lives better for residents and gives them more pride in their homes. While also making areas safe.

  • Ha, ha. I see the cash did not stretch to straightening the metal railing in the third picture. What a poor effort.

  • Well well well! A lack of thinking from this Labour Administration. More investment is clearing needed to update/modernise the very outdated crumbling pavements, landscaping of estates, parks and refurbishments of neglected council blocks.

    How about installing new LED streetlights.

    Like I have stated before, people really need to think about voting a new administration, a new party not the same old tired neglecting Labour Party. Over 40 years in power no wonder why they take the biscuit! Change is needed in 2022.

    • Agreed!
      Please everyone, let’s boycott voting for labour. People vote for them purely becasue their parents did and thaey are not Tories, so they get in by default rather than good common sense policies.
      Everyone knows how bad they run Greenwich Borough, why continue to vote for them?


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