12 year olds caught on Eltham High St roof after reports of items thrown at pedestrians

Two 12-year old boys were stop and searched by police in Eltham yesterday after being seen on roofs of High Street shops after reports items were thrown at pedestrians on the street below. One had a screwdriver in their possession.

According to Eltham police:

Further details stated:

“The Lad with the screwdriver will attend police station at a later date with parents for an interview. ASB along the High Street is one of our 3 ward priorities & we have received complaints about youths throwing objects at pedestrian on the High St. Hopefully this will now stop.”

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

4 thoughts on “12 year olds caught on Eltham High St roof after reports of items thrown at pedestrians

  • This is terrible. It makes you wonder why two 12 year old boys feel the need to act like this. Let alone carry a screwdriver to boot. Why also pick on innocent pedestrians minding their own business shopping on a Saturday afternoon. What is happening in Eltham at the moment.

    The area has seen arise in incidents around the High Street. lately with reports of attacks and elderly people being pushed. Well done to Eltham Police for catching them and taking them home. However, sadly I feel this will not be the last of it.

    • I’m sorry Graham but this is the usual tomfoolery children have been getting up to for decades…throwing things at pedestrians isn’t exactly armed robbery is it?

      • Kids will be mischievous Tony G, but also carrying a screwdriver in the current climate of stabbings doesn’t look good at all.
        I don’t recall ever being mischievous to the same level today’s generation are (not all kids are bad though).
        If behaviour like this isn’t checked swiftly, it can easily be left to evolve into low level crime and even worse.
        Unfortunately my bet is that the parent(s) are likely to be just as troublesome and don’t set good examples to their children

  • No tony g but it could have been a roof tile that struck someone on the head and killed them items are heavier when falling from a tight


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