Police in riot gear arrive at Welling High Street after “disorder”

Three people were arrested and a machete found last night in Welling in events which led to Welling High Street being closed amid hundreds of people in the town and “disorder” reported.

A police helicopter circled overhead and officers were seen adopting riot gear and carrying shields.

According to police, they were called to a party at a church hall and discovered 200-300 individuals – some of whom were hostile towards officers.

Objects were thrown and some received minor injuries.

The Met had also authorised a Section 60 notice due to “youth disorder”.


Much focus has been on Bellegrove Road tonight though some witnesses have stated there was greater trouble on Ruskin Avenue – which runs parallel to Bellegrove Road and behind shops.

A few days ago hundreds gathered in a residential area of Plumstead. Numerous locals complained little action was taken despite reported sporadic violence and intoxicated drivers.


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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

4 thoughts on “Police in riot gear arrive at Welling High Street after “disorder”

  • The Mets tactics are terrible. They just stand there and do nothing. Walk forward a bit. No wonder riots before spiraled as no action taken in the start so people become bolder. People were attacking cars and police watch.

    If this keeps happening people will lose complete faith.

    • Agreed.
      I welcome the good news that 3 people have been arested and charged, but the police shouldn’t stand back once a minor law has been broken, otherwise as you say, it emboldends them.

      Having said that, the police have been stretched and if they did arrest and charge someone, what are the chances of the courts actually sending them to jail?

  • Could have put it all in a stamp. It so useful having so much info.

  • This appears to be a large group of youths that turned up at parties etc with sole aim of causing trouble. I am guessing some were involved in the recent Plumstead Incident. No one goes for a night out with a machete. So I am hoping this person was one of the three people arrested.

    The Police do need to get tough on this otherwise incidents like this will continue to rise and just get worse,

    A section 60 should last for at least 48 hours after a serious incident or incidents involving large groups of people.

    The sad thing is incidents like these are so unnecessary and uncalled for. They are also terryifing for residents and innoccent paasers by just going about there lives.


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