Travellers leave Greenwich site – and move to Deptford

Travellers living at Enderby Wharf for the past week or so have left the site and moved half a mile west to a new site on Deptford Creek.

At Enderby Wharf

They’ve moved onto another long-vacant site in the area where housing plans have taken many years to get anywhere.

Tower plans for Deptford site have been around for a decade

This plot is next to Trinity Laban near the new Union Wharf site.

Some have argued at least the sites are being used for something given developers apparent land-banking for many years.

After vacating site

Though residents in Greenwich are not happy about the mess left behind at Enderby Wharf.


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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

5 thoughts on “Travellers leave Greenwich site – and move to Deptford

  • Disgusting! Certainly before and after photos can be used to force some type of remuneration for clean up?
    Or, how about setting up cameras overlooking any site travelers set up on, and ticket accordingly! Some might be missed, but many would be stung!
    It could set a precedent, and cause the filthy mongs to think twice about their fly tipping!

  • I don’t understand why they left such a mess, the site was neat when they were staying there, is it out of spite?

    • The site wasn’t neat when they were living there. They were filling one of the buildings with waste. Once this filled up, they took to dumping it wherever they could on the site

  • The developer/owner of part of the land at Deptford, Kitewood, was repeatedly warned by local residents and the owner of the adjoining land that travellers were likely to move on and that they needed on-site security. They simply ignored all the warnings and now their shareholders will have to stump up for the costs and local residents put up with the mess.

  • Looks like they have moved to the IKEA car park now…


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