Ikea seek to extend Greenwich store opening hours

Ikea have applied to extend Sunday morning opening hours at their Greenwich branch.

Sunday trading laws mean that the earlier opening time proposed for 9:30am would only be for browsing with people unable to buy until 10am. The cafe and restaurant would open earlier and be allowed to sell food and drink.

View from Bugsbys Way

I can’t see many objections to this in terms of traffic. Sunday mornings are generally a quiet time.

Bugsby’s Way traffic is slow going most days holding up buses

A year ago they applied to open earlier on weekdays which would be a different story. That plan was dropped but will it return?

Since opening in February increases in traffic across the area have been difficult to gauge. The road capacity was often already at capacity and Ikea wouldn’t necessarily create gridlock in and of itself but have a cumulative impact upon already high levels.

A2 in Greenwich is gridlock daily on weekdays

Anecdotally, peak time traffic in Greenwich and the A2 is extremely bad on a daily basis and perhaps worse.

Taken yesterday. Awful on foot with heavy traffic in early afternoon blocking crossings

Induced traffic from Ikea cannot be helping. Early schemes to promote sustainability have been dropped after planning necessities expired.

The next store that could bring more traffic is Lidl which opens early 2020.

Southbound traffic towards Greenwich borough due to rise sharply. Tfl state much will head into surrounding areas at junctions such as those near Greenwich and Charlton shops

Silvertown Tunnel projections see an extra 30 per cent more vehicles on the at-capacity A2 in Greenwich heading south away from the new tunnel.


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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

One thought on “Ikea seek to extend Greenwich store opening hours

  • I do not think there would be many objections to this. I see a lot of customers popping in to Ikea for breakfast while waiting for the store to fully open for sales. A lot of people do prefer to get their shopping done earlier in the day.

    How Sunday shopping laws do need to be reviwed again as these are now rather out dated. How we shop as changed considerably since these laws were originally introduced.


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