First stage of Cycle Superhighway 4 to Greenwich opens

The newest section of London’s Cycle Highway network has opened. This is the first part of CS4 which will run from Tower Bridge to Greenwich after original plans to head to Woolwich were curtailed.

Click to enlarge – Cycle superhighway 4 plans

The first section to open is that closest to Tower Bridge. CS4 itself has been on the drawing board for about a decade so even getting to this stage is somewhat of a milestone. Despite the section to Woolwich being halted as part of CS4, there are now plans to consult on a lane from Greenwich to Woolwich to be built in future.

The last tweet is interesting – as again it shows TfL at odds with Greenwich Council who plan to retain them near new developments despite research showing they are dangerous (drivers tend to speed up when present and cyclists can be squeezed against them).

CS4 will end here. Another recent junction with dated design

Altering many junctions installed in just the past few years will cost millions – and is the legacy of dated design practices from Greenwich borough’s Highway Department.

Any route taken from Greenwich to Woolwich will be interesting to see – particularly in Woolwich. As I’ve covered numerous new developments, I’ve noticed on many occasions they’re being planned and built right up to the edge of available plots appearing to prevent space for pedestrians and cycle lanes.

No cycle lane in renders at large Woolwich project

How that challenge is met will be interesting to see.  Removing the central reservation is an obvious gain, though is that enough for two lanes? We shall see.

Courtesy Google

The notorious east Greenwich junction saw a new stretch by the Greenwich Centre without cycle lanes and excessive street furniture. New paving laid yet no segregated lane installed on wide stretch of paving, then street furniture installed which is an obvious to cyclists:

Antiquated design still continues now from Highway Engineers.

No new trees, no cycle lanes – and extensive guardrailing remains

I covered road upgrade plans near the Waterfront last week. No cycle lanes were evident in plans just submitted.

New towers – no cycle lanes planned

When it comes to Greenwich to Woolwich the easy option will be to shift everything to the river’s edge – though that is somewhat away from many shops, homes and amenities located along main roads.

We’ll find out soon enough what is planned.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

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