Woolwich to Greenwich cycle lane drop-in session today
A drop in session is being held today in Charlton on plans for a new cycle lane and street upgrade scheme from Woolwich to Greenwich.
It will be open from 12pm-7pm at Charlton’s Valley stadium. To be specific, the Greenwich Suite located within the stadium on Floyd Road.

I covered the scheme – or at least what’s been revealed so far – here.
Much of it is a big improvement though so far only the “easy” options are being consulted upon. That is to say nothing in east Greenwich, the Angerstein roundabout or how it will work through Woolwich town centre.

Only wide streets and dual carriageways in Charlton get attention.

As I noted in my post and considered a bit since on subsequent bus journeys along here, the “easy” options not only extend to geographic area but measures to be implemented. One example is new bus lanes planned along areas of Charlton dual carriageways where buses are almost never held up – but no new lanes in areas buses do meet congestion.

Next time you’re on a bus have a look at where the delays occur between Woolwich and Greenwich. Or even look at Google maps of a rush hour and see where the red lines and queues are located. It’s generally not where bus lanes are planned.

Bus lanes however are being removed this year at a spot where this scheme with eventually meet Cycle Highway 4 in Greenwich and Deptford – and that is a congested area.
As a cyclist I don’t want to share roads with lorries, vans , cars and buses even if there is a green cycle lane in the gutter. There needs to be more imaginative schemes for cycle routes which separate cyclists from danger and pollution. Money needs to be spent on enforcement to encourage use by cyclists of routes.
There’s a fabulous cycleway along the Thames, it’s a dam sight safer than going anywhere near lorries & traffic.
It’s also not very convenient for many. I once considered it but simply too slow for journey I needed to get to work, so me (and many others) then added to pressures on roads and public transport.
Hi Paul SuperUnknown, What is so tired and uninspired about these designs? Do you have a better alternative to propose? I’m pretty sure the designs are by TfL and not by councillors.
Also Murky – I think it’s worth mentioning that the Greenwich-Woolwich cycleway consultation does ask for intial feedback on the Angerstein roundabout improvements which has some more details for any one interested here: https://consultations.tfl.gov.uk/cycling/916e3226/
By the way, I think you should delete the comment by Paul SuperUnknown – it’s just hateful and a is a dirty mark on your brilliant website.
Let me look into it. Getting so many replies hard to keep on top of – only a few go into moderation.