Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Woolwich reports first two corona deaths

QE Hospital in Woolwich saw two deaths over the weekend from coronavirus.

Both were people in their 80s with underlying health problems.

Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust stated: “Sadly, we can confirm that two people who were being cared for at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, and had tested positive for COVID-19, have died.

“Our thoughts and condolences are with them at this difficult and distressing time.”

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

4 thoughts on “Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Woolwich reports first two corona deaths

  • My thoughts are with their family and friends at this very sad and difficult time.

    I have been thinking alot about the elderly at this time of the coronavirus and was thinking it is time likes these I wish local counci’sl were still providing a daily meals on wheels service to elderly and disabled so they get to have a hot meal delivered straight to their door every day. So they are getting at least one hot meal a day.

    Please can we give a bit more time and respect to elderly and disabled people during these difficulty times.

  • Totally agree CDT. I know Councils are under pressure financially and have received cuts in Government funding. But services like meals on wheels, day care centres are the essential front line services they should be providing on a daily basis to the most vulnerable people in the Borough.

    We send essential services cut or social care charges go up again affecting the most vulnerable people in the Borough.

    Why on the other hand GLLAB as money chucked at it left right and centre and still wants even more.

  • Please help to protect our elderly and vulnerable people for the duration of the coronavirus crisis.

    My symapthies are with the family and friends of the two elderly people who have sadly lost their lives to coronavirus.

    When we lost Caroline Flack recently there was a saying everyone mentioned “Be KInd” and that is exactly what we all need to be to each other and our elderly neighbours during this crisis.


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