Charlton pub The Pickwick sees plans to become an “Aparthotel”

New plans are in to convert some floors The Pickwick pub in Charlton into an “aparthotel” with a new extension to create 22 rooms.

An application to demolish the building in 2018 was rejected. A separate application for six houses to the rear was approved.

The Pickwick in Charlton

Renders of the proposal must be some of the worst seen in some time. The Windows 95 jingle triggers whenever I look at it.

Knocked up on a 486?

The pub area remains but will it reopen? A pub actually has a half decent chance now with thousands of new homes being built nearby to supplement weekend football supporters attending matches at the Valley.

Click here to view plans.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

9 thoughts on “Charlton pub The Pickwick sees plans to become an “Aparthotel”

  • A new pub/restaurant on the ground floor with Aparthotel above may work on the site of the Pickwick Pub now that the Antigallican pub on the corner of Charlton Church Lane as closed.

  • Pubs and restuarants were closing because the owners cannot make them work. Covid-19 has changed the trading landscape for many businesses and it is perhaps now too risky to have one that will be subject to summary shutdown for an extended period. A better use of the retail space would be an ‘express’ supermarket or a chemist, which would serve the visitors and nearby residents.

    • It’s directly opposite many supermarkets. Pubs work when rents and taxation isnt extortionate. Many were bought out by groups utilising heavy levels of debt. Add in many new builds like Victoria Way homes and there is a future for sites like this – but it will take time. I’m not sure there’s much demand for office space in the interim.

  • 1.The existing B&B already has 10 rooms, so this application is just an extension.

    2. The only office space mentioned above is in the new build portion. This office space is for running of the bed & breakfast and pub

    3. Existing pub is going to stay as a pub with the addition of a carvery.

    4. Whole building will be refurbished and modernised.


    • The Planning Statement in the application states it has 16 B&B rooms – though permission was granted in 1999 and lapsed in 2019.

      I’ve altered it a bit to be clearer. The application is light on detail regarding the pub. There’s no mention of a carvery in the Planning Statement nor Design and Access Statement. In terms of the office space it states: “A small office unit will face onto Woolwich Road. This office is intended to be ancillary to the pub / hotel use but can be used independently.”

      I hope it’s successful as it could offer a lot to the local area.

      • Something has to happen. Good news the pub might be saved, but its never going to work on its own, even more so now. An ‘Aparthotel’ seems fair enough. O2, Charlton and Greenwich nearby. Tried to book my parents rooms for graduation a couple of years back. Couldn’t find anything reasonable locally, despite the number of hotels, they ended up in a crappy, noisy twin room on Blackheath, for ridiculous money. Guests could use the bar and eat in the restaurant. Rooms look much better than a premier inn,.. proper apartments, which i guess is why it’s an ‘aparthotel’.

        We should get behind anything that’s going to bring jobs to the area that isn’t a retail park!

      • I agree Murky I hope it will be successful too.

  • @Beanie, that stretch of Woolwich Road is hardly select. Further, the location is just a bit too far from both Westcombe Park and Charlton stations to make it deal for travellers. It’s a long walk from Charlton station and a logistical nightmare from Westcombe Park. Still, good luck to the developers.

  • I think you should have a monthly special feature where you trawl planning applications for terrible renders.


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