Parking problems continue across Greenwich despite traffic warden return

Despite the return of traffic wardens this week poor parking continues along the usual haunts in various areas of Greenwich, Charlton and Woolwich.

TfL cameras capture parking on cycle lanes day after day – the van is parked at a spot where the lane is continually blocked

Since lockdown no measures have been taken to make cycling safer along main roads heading east to west in the north half of the borough. Cycle lanes are being blocked at regular intervals. Some lanes have a solid white line and some are merely advisory.

Parking on narrow road

When it comes to parking in cycle lanes the rules state:

“You MUST NOT drive or park in a cycle lane marked by a solid white line during its times of operation. Do not drive or park in a cycle lane marked by a broken white line unless it is unavoidable”

Two major problems across Greenwich borough that continue to hamper attempts to encourage cycling as public transport capacity is severely reduced are poor cycle routes and vehicles blocking routes that do exist.

Eltham cycle lane hidden behind double parked cars before lockdown

These problems are closely linked. Income from fines is ringfenced and can be used for investment in streets and public spaces – though a lack of parking staff and income shortfalls totalling over £12 million over a number of years plays a direct role in failing to improve the situation.

Staff numbers were static for much of the 2010s despite a large rise in population and housing. They only ticked up last year. Even as late as 2018 there was no net gain as this screenshot from a council report that year shows:

In recent weeks central Government announced CCTV could be used to fine drivers who block lanes, yet Greenwich never sought the power to use cameras since it was introduced in 2003.

Taken from Greenwich Council document in Feb 2019

By 2019 they were just one of three London authorities out of 34 (all boroughs plus the City of London and TfL) not to use powers available. That is finally changing but there’s no confirmation cameras are yet in place and switched on.

We also still don’t know the full list of street projects planned as a result of TfL funding bids as the authority continue to ignore requests for information from a number of people. Emails are also going unanswered.




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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

9 thoughts on “Parking problems continue across Greenwich despite traffic warden return

  • Could be making a fortune out of Papa Johns, Dominos and KFC if they were charged for parking in the cycle lane.

    • Excellent idea GPF! Is it legally possible, or should RBG do it anyway and await court case-theres a 10 year backlog haha!

  • Had to explain to woman yesterday who parked her car beside the bus stop outside the covered market in Woolwich that the no stopping sign applied to her.

    Parking on double yellows is rife throughout the borough.

    There seems to be no understanding that single yellows mean no parking during the working day.

    • Well done Chris, amazed you never got a mouthful of verbal though. Think they well know, they just ignore as little in the way of penalty chances, but they moan like hell if there one of the few unlucky ones to get nabbed.

  • Nice one Murky, says it all, wake up RBG and smell the coffee. I’ve forwarded this blog issue to councillor Stephen Brain, with comments attached from me, who is generally responsive in a positive manner to problems.

  • It would be like shooting fish in a barrel. Get some enforcement officers out to the known trouble spots. What on earth is the matter with Greenwich council?

    • Gone fishing maybe? Too busy writing interesting articles for their weekly rag? Possibly jogging around the parks playing follow the leader?

  • Herbert Road this afternoon was a nightmare. The parking bays are arranged so that buses can get along the road fairly easily. Ruined by parking on double yellows. The signs show no loading 7am to 7pm. UPS large van stops opposite a bus stop. Driver doing multiple deliveries.

    • The bottom of Westcombe Hill often sees UPS or DPD vans park facing South (up the hill) on the one-way stretch designed for the buses. The boom in online orders has seen a lot Uber drivers switch over to the warehouse gigs so there’s a lot of bad habits being transferred across. It used to be a Prius slowing down junction traffic while the driver looked for the correct street turn, now its unfamiliar drivers trying to work out how to get that cross-trainer into the flats.

      Thr less said about parking along Plumstead High Street the better…


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