Revised plans for Woolwich homes submitted for approval
Plans are in for a revised scheme to build new homes on Sandy Hill Lane in Woolwich.
I’ve previously covered consultation on this scheme as well as previous plans now dropped.
Previously submitted plans had 26 homes with numbers now revised up to 34. The site houses a former petrol station, workshop and cottages.
The developers claim it is too expensive to renovate existing cottages on site due to removing petrol station tanks.
Cottages have been neglected until becoming an eyesore.
No income saved from failing to renovate those homes is heading towards providing any “affordable” housing. Our old friend viability comes out to play. It’s not viable, apparently, to provide a single affordable home.
The previous design had active frontages across facades which is lacking in revised plans. There are expanses of blank wall at street level and the corner treatment is poor.
What’s with the tiny windows and large expanse of brickwork on the corner?
The previous design – while not great – did respond to the corner where non-residential usage is planned. New changes bring a squat, dumpy appearance to the block. It’s all a bit messy too with the design predominantly angular then an arch plonked in which just doesn’t work.
Materials include precast concrete and timber cladding. It’s rare to see timber cladding which either 1) looks good after 5 years and 2) isn’t being removed due to fire hazards.
So then, not exactly a revised approach that brings much to the table. No affordable homes and no attempt to renovate cottages which while not exactly amazing, are a key link to the historic fabric of the area.
Click here to view plans.
The revised plan now seems overscale, although the additional eight units might account for this. In addition, the arched entrance seems curiously old-fashioned.