Housing block plan in Catford town centre

Plans are in to construct a 10-storey block in the middle of Catford’s one-way system. 52 flats are included in the project at Catford Timber Yard at 161 Rushey Green.

There were previous plans for an eight floor block containing 42 homes. This was refused by the Lewisham on 16th January 2018 but overturned by the Planning Inspector on 12th April 2019 following a public inquiry.

Middle of one-way system

It only included 23.8 per cent “affordable” housing. The new proposal sees a cut to 11 per cent “affordable” despite an overall increase in flats. This is far below the target of 50% affordable housing at 70% social rented and 30% intermediate housing.

One again the viability assessment line is brought out. If they can’t provide more than 11 per cent “affordable” in the middle of a gyratory next to retail sheds on a former timber yard then what does that say about the developer and viability assessments?

Odd location

It’s an odd development as this site is within an area in the one-way system that needs cohesive planning and a dedicated masterplan given fragmented nature of land here – including retail sheds – that will inevitably become housing in years to come.

Lewisham council raised this issue at a meeting with the developers who were aiming for 13 floors, stating the proposal failed proposal failed “to
demonstrate sufficiently that [it] would accord with the Catford Masterplan process, thereby appearing as a potentially piecemeal form of development. Without the benefit of a thorough contextual analysis of the immediate surroundings, officers are concerned that the proposed part 12/part13 storey development would serve to be an unacceptable introduction to this back
land site, appearing out of context with existing lower density development, contrary to the adopted Development Plan”. 

Former Mecca Bingo site on right. Retail sheds on two sides of plot

They recommended contacting the Catford Masterplan team, and they did so on 27th March 2020 after lockdown. They state they have yet to hear back.

Road network

Back in February 2018 it was announced that £10 million had been allocated to remove the one-way system which severs the town centre.

Lots of tarmac

So far not a lot has happened.

Click here to view plans.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

6 thoughts on “Housing block plan in Catford town centre

  • I would have thought Catford needs to maximise affordable housing within the town centre and ensure its 100% not 11%. That particular area is a hotch potch and would be better if the available car parking was extended and maybe in a few years a plan for the whole of that corner site may be proposed

  • The image of the road is in Lewisham not in Catford.

    • Indeed. The pub and the fish and chip shop are on the corner of Belmont Hill where I used to live.

  • To be honest I think any new developments in Catford would be very much welcomed as the area is in need of regneration.

    There were also plans to redevelop Eros House on Brownhill Road with a supermarket/retail space at ground floor level and flats above. Also the old Lewisham Job Centre site is also to be redeveloped on Rushey Green.

    However, I do agree there needs to be more affordable social housing built in the Borough.

  • Pingback: Catford station & town centre improvement work takes a step forwards | Murky Depths

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