Morris Walk estate rebuild in Woolwich moves forward

Developers behind a plan to demolish Woolwich estates have submitted a planning application detailing the latest thinking behind proposals for new builds at Morris Walk.

The total number of homes at Morris Walk estate was 552, which will be replaced by 766 new units.

Aerial plan

Changes include “increased tree retention, increased child play space, reduction in single aspect homes, an increase in cycle parking and a decrease in car parking”.

A large reduction in social homes is proposed with around 90 per cent social housing on the former estate dropping to 35 per cent “affordable” – with many at higher rent levels. Existing residents can move back, though much like Thamesmead regeneration covered last week, rents will increase over time and future occupants moving to the area will pay more.

Render showing adjacent development – with indicative Morris Walk blocks in white

Car parking spaces will increase modestly from current levels though below levels planned in 2013. There is no planned Controlled Parking Zone and developers state there will be sufficient capacity despite an average of one space for every two homes.

Given abysmal parking enforcement at many other borough developments – including flagship “car-free” scheme such as Greenwich Millennium Village highlighted regularly by residents – this is one area to watch. Car parking on pavements and spilling into neighbouring areas is possible. An adjacent dual carriageway sees the cycle lane blocked daily as things stand.

These plans see an increase in cycle spaces from 1,472 to 1,146, though they require a usable and safe network of lanes.

The site is located near a flagship cycle route planned alongside Woolwich Church Street dual carriageway – though whether the full scheme ever progresses is now unknown.

Nearby cycle lane plan before current financial problems

In the short term cyclists will have to share a lane with buses. Not something that is likely to appeal to tentative newcomers to cycling.

Current road to north. Estate is out of site to the right. Left hand lane will become bus lane

These documents are not a full application for this site. . It’s to seek feedback from the council before detailed plans are submitted – and are long awaited.

Greenwich Council announced plans to rebuild a decade ago after first considering demolition nearly 15 years back. They announced a partnership with developer Lovells eight years ago to demolish three Woolwich estates.

New Woolwich estate project

Only Connaught estate is nearing completion, with Marrion Grove estate intended to follow Morris Walk.

A detailed planning application is expected imminently.

Click here to view these new planning documents.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

4 thoughts on “Morris Walk estate rebuild in Woolwich moves forward

  • Another scandalous estate rebuild. With such a big drop in social rents, many of the tenants will be forced out of the area. Only those with a stable relatively good paying job will be able to return.

  • “Scandalous” doesn’t begin to describe the ridiculousness begun with the replaced Connaught Estate! Along with reduced Social Housing, poorly thought out parking, walkway parking, a criminal lack of Disabled Parking, entrenched criminal behaviour, including open-air drug dealing, gang activity and widespread antisocial behaviour!
    With some repairs in the “Safety and Security” column, in some instances, having been months on the “we’ll get to it soon” list, I feel less safe now, than I did when I lived in Tivoli Gardens (the corner of Gun and Gang streets)!
    Greenwich Housing has completely lost control of Trinity Walk in less than 3 years! I am truly surprised anyone would BUY a home here!
    I can hardly wait for the next two phases of development to be completed.
    I will say this, the Resident’s Association, in conjunction with the Lovelle, PA Housing and Pinnacle Housing, have done much to improve the situation, but much more remains to be done to make the “Public Blocks” safe and secure!

    • Those are despite buyers who have been priced out of zones 2 and 3. Seduced by the shiny promotion, they have closed their eyes to the fact that they are living in a shit hole. There is no way I would spend that sort of money for a flat in Woolwich.


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