Plan to refurbish former Woolwich library

There are tentative plans by Greenwich Council to refurbish the former Woolwich library following an intention to sell the building last year.

As of now there’s not much to go on though I did see a notification pop up on the council website. It states:

Scheme and Estimate – Woolwich former library GLLAB building refurb and increased use

Since closing as a library the building has been in use by Greenwich Council’s Local Labour and Business organisation, or GLLaB for short.

What increased use is planned is unknown. In the current financial climate it may appear difficult to see where funds for any refurbishment could be gained, but GLLaB sees millions flowing into its coffers from new developments across the borough, as often highlighted on this site.

I’ll be keeping an eye out to see what possible new uses for the Grade II listed building can be found.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

5 thoughts on “Plan to refurbish former Woolwich library

  • For all the GLLaB do they could move to a small portacabin in the yard behind the old baths.

    This and the old town hall next door have been allowed to fall into disrepair. A lot of development potential.

    • It’s Grade II listed and too expensive for most developers to contemplate.

      I am sure Greenwich council is waiting for the day that the East Greenwich library building falls to the ground so that it can sell the land.

      • It’s already sold. I’d expect a proposal claiming too expensive to renovate and so only the facade is kept

        • ‘I’d expect a proposal claiming too expensive to renovate and so only the facade is kept’

          Is that a viable argument where grade II listing is concerned?

  • Wonder if some foreign buyer will turn it into pokey flats so they can earn a fortune before it falls down? Preservation of listed buildings mean nothing to them, money speaks volumes! Labour Council couldn’t care less as long as they get their screw!!!


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