Changes to Lee Green’s Low Traffic Neighbourhood revealed

Lewisham Council have published changes to a Low Traffic Neighbourhood installed around Lee Green, Hither Green and towards Lewisham.

Changes will be made on 9th November, and include:

  1. On Manor Lane, the existing camera will be adjusted to allow vehicles to pass through in both directions, except heavy goods vehicles (HGVs)
  2. On Manor Park, the existing camera will be adjusted to allow vehicles to travel northbound (towards Lee High Road). The camera will continue to enforce vehicles who try to travel southbound.
Click to enlarge
  1. The existing cameras on Ennersdale Road and Dermody Road will be adjusted to allow vehicles to travel one-way west to east (from Hither Green towards Lee Green). The camera will continue to enforce vehicles who try to travel east to west (from Lee Green towards Hither Green)
  2. On Leahurst Road, a physical barrier will be moved to allow vehicles to travel west to east (from Hither Green towards Lee Green). A new camera will enforce this. A physical barrier will remain in place that will prevent vehicles travelling east to west (from Lee Green towards Hither Green).
  3. The Council will work with local schools to implement School Streets in the LTN as soon as possible, which will mean timed closures of some individual streets to coincide with drop off and pick up times.
Looking towards Lee Green shopping area

Further changes are due in 2021, which can be seen here, and a public information session will be held online next Thursday 22nd October from 7-8.30pm. Mayor Damien Egan and Chief Executive Kim Wright will present changes and take questions from Lewisham residents.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

5 thoughts on “Changes to Lee Green’s Low Traffic Neighbourhood revealed

  • Still can’t get from Lee to Hither Green with out using the South Circular or Lewisham from what I can see.

    • I live a five minute walk from Lee station and the next stop on the journey into London is Hither Green, not that I ever have occasion just to go there.

  • Another Master Plan to obstruct traffic as much as possible…create more traffic jams…create bottle necks….Nobel Prize for stupidity

  • I live just off Burnt Ash Road close to Lee Green and the traffic heading towards Lewisham on weekday mornings is nose to tail until well after the rush hour. I took the bus from Micheldever Road to Lewisham Station just after 11am and it took 20 minutes.

    The evening school pick-up sees traffic crawling up Burnt Ash Road/Hill with the inevitable bunching at the lights on top of the hill.

    • Yeah, the new layout means Burnt Ash Hill will be as bad as ever unless they alter the traffic lights. This shuffling of the deckchairs should relieve the problem of the horrendous queues at the end of Hither Green Lane before the South Circular, but why not allow two way traffic where they are now going to allow one way traffic?

      Oh. That would mean the whole thing was a farce, whereas we all know it has been a total success don’t we.

      BTW, I am not totally against LTNs. I have no problems with the barriers at the end of Manor Lane Terrace and similar roads. But to route all traffic via Lewisham or the South Cirular was plain daft bearing in mind how busy they were in the first place.


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