New electric bus garage planned in North Woolwich

Plans have been submitted for a new bus garage in North Woolwich with space to accommodate 151 vehicles.

Transport company Go-Ahead are behind the plan. They have another garage located nearby. The site on Factory Road is currently vacant. Despite Go Ahead planning the development, they state it would be open to “fleets of other electrically powered vehicles, under contract or agreement from the Go Ahead Group.”

A number of routes across London are moving towards electric buses, with the 180 one of the latest routes for conversion from October 2021 – though don’t expect them to be crossing over the Woolwich ferry.

Nearby is a TV station which was recently sanctioned for linking 5G and the pandemic. Electric buses may just blow their minds. 163 flats are also planned at a spot nearby.

Click here to view the planning application.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

3 thoughts on “New electric bus garage planned in North Woolwich

  • Let’s hope the outgoing contractor (Briggs) at the Woolwich Ferry has not got anything to do with the new electric bus garage. Look at the mess that the tax payers were left to pick up.

    On the plus side I have been running a electric car for the last 2 months and would never go back to ICE
    Cars. Far better method of drive chains so look forward to clean and quite busses.

  • The first electric buses for Plumstead garage will enter service in the Autumn for part of the allocation for route 180.

  • Yes you are right Chris L. Route 180 at Plumstead are to get electric buses as part of their allocation, Catford are due to get electric buses for route 160 and school route 660 when they take over the contract in September.

    Bexleyheath are also due to get new electric buses for route 132.

    I hope in time route 122 whiich serves Westhorne Avenue will be converted to electric or hydogen buses as suffers from high levels of traffic and pollution. Sometime back Mayor For London went to Hamio school just off Westhorne Avenue and gave children machines to wear to measure air pollution levels.

    Nothing has happened since so if this was one of the Mayor for London publicity stunts around dealing with air pollution who know ?. As he has since then given the final approval of the Silvertown Tunnel.


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