Hyde housing block in Deptford approaches completion
While big developments understandably gain much attention, there’s no shortage of mid-size plots being developed in Greenwich and Deptford right now.
One such block is named Copper Creak on Creek Road.

Hyde Housing Association are involved in the development. Of course the hoardings call it Greenwich when it’s actually in Deptford. Don’t give me any waffle on being in Greenwich borough I think we all know why they do it.

The block has topped out and 26 flats will be included upon completion.
It faces onto a new segregated cycle lane installed as part of Cycleway 4.
One wonders how long adjacent buildings and the petrol station will last.
i feel sorry for the new tenants ,when the defects need addressing. this social housing provider hasn’t got a good history for repairs. you only have to read this weeks Newshopper
The latest cell-block for mortgage lifers.