Woolwich Argos closes and moves into Sainsbury’s
In a much expected move Argos have moved into parent company Sainsbury’s branch in Woolwich and closed their store on Powis Street.
The company announced the closure of over 400 stores in November 2020, and if you’ve been into a Sainsbury’s of any decent size in recent years you’d have seen Argos concessions within.
Greenwich Council have plans in the mid to long term to demolish the car park and store on Calderwood Street:
The information is included in a planning document covering development sites in future.
The document labelled the site as “detrimental to the character and cohesiveness of the town centre”.
The top floor is currently used as parking for residents at an adjacent housing block, which was converted from office space.
The Argos stores in Sainsbury’s are small but then most shopping is now completed on line and then either collected at the stiore or delivered to your home.I wonder what will become of the old Argos Store.
Surly the carpark could be converted into retail space instead of dismantling it! Just a thought.
The closure of Argos will see another empty unit in the town centre. I have observed that the in-store Argos operations have a small footprint and wonder where all the stock is kept.
@Dougla: there is a dearth of empty retail space in Woolwich, so there would be no point.
Argos is rumoured to be the new temporary Job Centre in Woolwich similar to the Argos store in Bexleyheath which has recently been coverted to a Job Centre.to support people after the pandemic.
I work in an Argos – the in-Sainsburys branches are served by large hub stores and carry small amounts of stock/have stock sent to them on a daily basis when ordered by customers.