Next stage of Cycleway 4 through Deptford on Greenwich to Tower Bridge route to start this month

Transport for London have revealed that a section of Cycleway 4 in Deptford will commence work later this month (July 2021).

A section from Greenwich to Deptford is all but complete. I took a look at that stretch recently on a post which can be seen here.

Render of Deptford High Street junction

The next stage will follow that stretch and head along Evelyn Street past Deptford High Street and towards the one-way system at Rotherhithe.

Cycleway 4 route

The stripped section above will follow last of all, and has been subject to a separate consultation from Southwark Council:

The section in Rotherhithe will pass 3,500 new homes at Surrey Quays shopping centre.

Work on the first homes is now underway, and I took a look at plans in May for this tower:

Tower work now underway

Deptford Church Street to Lower Road work will continue until spring 2022.

Surrey Quays will see thousands of new homes

The western end of Cycleway 4 completed in September 2020 between Tower Bridge heading through Jamaica Road in Bermondsey.

A temporary extension with light segregation was recently installed along Tooley Street between Tower Bridge and London Bridge.

Cycle hire?

Southwark have agreed to use income from developers at Surrey Quays to fund cycle hire expansion locations.

Southwark pooling S106 income for docking stations

There are no confirmed plans in Lewisham and Greenwich boroughs.

TfL revealed last week that Greenwich have collected the lowest amount of income from developers, despite seeing some of the highest development in London.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

2 thoughts on “Next stage of Cycleway 4 through Deptford on Greenwich to Tower Bridge route to start this month

  • I used the section between deptford bridge (Waitrose) and Deptford.( which is still showing works to complete) this week to get to London Velo from East Greenwich. Firstly along Old Woolwich Rd, through Uni, across Cutty Sark Gardens and along Thames to Waitrose then joined cycle path just before the bridge. Its a great route between EG and Deptford with only final 100/200 metres or so where have to cross and transfer to main road to get to D/High Street. Will be about the ONLY way to travel, and when extended further and eventually to connect to LBG will be really cool. Shame cannot be said for the section going East from Old Woolwich Road toward Charlton and then Woolwich. It’s a disaster of a cycle way, poorly designed,poorly maintained, confusing for all users and alternative road users, and dare I say downright dangerous unless you have your wits about you at every point where side roads connect and do NOT expect cars to give way at all when they are joining/leaving main road at these points. Do not expect a clean path, expect broken glass/cans etc. Expect hostility from drivers for simply existing and using it. A sad waste of money which needs a total rethink, but NOT removing back to zero safe cycling again. I feel sorry for Woolwich/Charlton to/from London commuters using this part. New transport lady for RBG needs to come out on the route with me if she dare, and if she’s reading this I’m ready when you are!

  • It should be good when all finished. However right now it’s an accident waiting to happen, someone will get badly hurt. The Creek Road section isn’t meant to be open but the road is now too narrow to cycle (dangerous), and the cycle lane is being used, but none of the lights etc are working on the cycle lane. This gives drivers very little chance of seeing cyclists when turning into or out of junction, especially by the esso, and the junction by the soft play. Lights can be green for cars, but cyclist and the dreaded e scooters don’t stop. The road is too cluttered for a driver to process. It’s scary. I cycle and drive, right now it’s the worst of both worlds.
    Also its a shame that all bus priority has been taken away from Surrey quays, what are people who can’t cycle supposed to do??? Wait on a bus for an hour to go 2 miles? It’s difficult but the routes could be better.


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