West Thamesmead Gateway: Further details of 1,750 homes from Berkeley and Peabody
A new planning application has revealed further details regarding 1,750 new homes near Plumstead bus garage in a joint project from Peabody and Berkeley Homes.
Plans were approved in December 2020 with a major downgrade in public realm improvements.

More recently, much-heralded use of modular construction on much of the site has been dropped.
The project comprises nine plots in total with “34,000 sq. ft. Industrial Space, 12,000 sq. ft. Community Space and 10,000 sq. ft. of Neighbourhood Retail.”

Nine plots? How long can they drag that out one wonders.
Phase 1 comprises three plots and is due to complete in 2024.

There are a number of mansion blocks across the site in a reasonably inoffensive style.
Approval was given by Greenwich Council’s planning board despite both the NHS and TfL complaining contributions from developers was insufficient for demand.
The NHS stated additional demand would require £2.8 million to mitigate – but are only due to see £1 million after Greenwich Council allocation.

Peabody saw £5 million allocated for industrial units – though they own others nearby empty for 20 years.
Plans to rework a three-lane gyratory reminiscent of an urban motorway into two-way traffic was ditched – and no money allocated to improve pedestrians links to nearby Plumstead station.

It’s currently an offputting underpass or a walk beside three lanes of traffic.

There are plans for 500 car parking spaces.
Other housing plans in the area include 95 homes on Nathan Way – covered in March this year – and 333 homes at a former care home sight.
That was submitted in June this year. Information on that can be seen here.
Despite all those projects no clear strategy or income is evident to improve pedestrians routes to the nearby railway line or to invest in the long mooted Bus Transit scheme.
Details of West Thamesmead Gateway can be seen on the Greenwich Council Planning Portal.
The area around the proposed new developments is in urgent need of improving to make the area more attractive and safe for the new residents who will eventully move on to the developments.
With improvements to the under pass including new brighter lighting. As John mentioned in the article the pavements are very narrow and run along side three lanes of very heavy traffic. So widening of pavements where possible should be included as part of public realm improvements.
Too many new developments now are gaining planning permission with narrow pavements where new developments are built beyond the original building line of the buildings they replace protruding out on to the original pavements making them narrower for pedestrians.
We need to see more funding from developers and Greenwich Council going to improving public realm and the local infrastructure..
Greenwich council improve the public realm? You hopeless Utopian dreamer. 😉