Newest Greenwich hotel Radisson Red set to open imminently

The very first post on this site all the way back in 2011 was about all the hotels that were springing up – or set to – around Greenwich.

Only now is one of them is finally set to open after a decade of financial problems, brand changes and obstacles.


Pedestrian route from hotel to o2, tube and other attractions

It’s Radisson Red on Tunnel Avenue that was originally due to be an Ibis, and it’s set to open in coming days.

Original plan

With the main structure in place that plan fell apart leaving the building clad in scaffolding for some years.

Radisson Red is a new brand for the company focusing on the lower end of the market – though at around £100 a night isn’t at the bottom end.

It’s far from a salubrious location between Tunnel Avenue’s trundling HGVs and the Blackwall Tunnel approach.


The spot isn’t the worst for a night or two if the intention is only as a place to crash given it’s between historic Greenwich one side and the o2, Magazine and now the Design District the other.

I mean, it’s hardly a beautiful spot, but if people are seeking a quick stay it’s passable. A two week romantic break on the other hand…

Courtesy Google. Pedestrian route to hotel from tube

You don’t really need me to tell you the obvious; Greenwich Council have failed to improve pedestrian links to many local amenities from the hotel.

Welcome to London!

Road network is a legacy of the distant past

If you’re not dodging lorries parked on paving along Tunnel Avenue when heading towards a footbridge beside the A102, you’re heading beneath the A102 flyover past slip roads, giant roundabouts and dual carriageways and railings that attempt to prevent direct pedestrian routes.

Might as well call an Uber many will think – which helps the traffic situation.

Oh, I know. What about a driverless car?

Not an attractive area

Despite Greenwich council finding money for those, incoming cash from developments has seen nothing to improve pedestrian routes.

There’s the millions from Peninsula towers and major developments untapped, but even smaller developments brought these sums via the Community Infrastructure Levy:

  • 3-5 Tunnel Avenue, Greenwich, SE10 0SL – £86,306
  • Land West of the O2 (Plot N0301), Greenwich Peninsula, SE10 – £82,731
  • 2-12 Blackwall Lane, Greenwich, London, SE10 0AN – £59,379


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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

5 thoughts on “Newest Greenwich hotel Radisson Red set to open imminently

  • Just to remind you Murky – this only went ahead originally when the Planning Inspectorate gave it permission after the Council turned it down. It has been through a whole series of developers. The original claimed it was walking distance from 5 stations.

  • Maybe our great council leaders can stay there in a car free vacation for a week to back up their view through lack of action that the area is pedestrian and cycle friendly. Bet they would have a great time

  • It is good to see the hotel finally completed and due to open soon as will provide new jobs in the hospitality sector which saw so many job losses during the pandemic.

    As John mentioned the hotel will be conveniently located for the 02, Magazine Music Venue and Historic Greenwich.

    However, the public relam around the area looks forgotten and totally uncared for. Better pedestrians links are desperately needed as are better signal controlled pedestrian crossings As the roads are exceptionally busy all day.

    Despite being given “Royal Borough” status in 2012 Greenwich have done little to improve the look of the Borough for residents or vistors. Which is a real shame as we live in a really Great Borough with a lot of history and green open spaces..

  • i have lived in the Borough all my life and yes we do live in a great Borough (Greenwich).

    We are lucky to have a lot of Naval and Military history in Borough along with historic buildings and great open spaces and parks.

    So lets continue to make Greenwich Borough a great place to live work or visit. By investing in public realm public transport and better pedestrians crossinng. Making it safer for all including pedestrians cyclist and motorist

  • A new hotel? Opening now? People are either brave or really optimistic for the future of the industry


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