Lewisham’s new station entrance (or what should have been)
A recently completed tower in Lewisham containing 758 student rooms alongside flats and shop units is now open, and I popped over to have a look at the site.
This development includes what was supposed to be a new Lewisham station entrance with new public realm outside.
The proposed station entrance can be seen here in the corner between two blocks:
This plan was featured on the approved planning application:

Slow start
So far not a single commercial unit on the site is occupied.
This leaves the square feeling rather sad – as indeed do other parts of Loampit Vale.

For an area with so many high density buildings, commercial units are empty in a number of areas.

Lewisham could have an entrance to platforms 1 and 4, though currently has neither. Platform 4’s entrance was permanently closed around five years ago:

High density developments continue in the wider area, with Lewisham Gateway visible here:

Below we can see how the station entrance should have linked to Southeastern’s platform 1, with connections to other platforms.

The final development somewhat differed from earlier plans in 2017:

That isn’t a blank wall lining the road; it just appeared that way. Thankfully that idea was scrapped.
Brick tones changed and arches are now evident:
Cycle stands have been placed alongside Loampit Vale alongside a number of trees:

Paving is nice and wide here too.
The building gives a pleasing appearance when catching evening light:
It’s no prize-winner, but I’ve seen plenty worse towers.
There’s a nice consistency to the elevation. No woeful random cladding here.
Now all we need is some good shops and places to hang out, and the station entrance to open.
That means Southeastern staff to watch ticket gates, which means it’s unlikely anytime soon.
In my opinion this is one of the nicest of the new Lewisham developments – use of bricks and detailing at ground level to include arches etc.
However, does anyone know if the developer legally required to keep that ground floor space available for a future tube station entrance? Given there is no longer any confirmed tfl money for the bakerloo line extension it would seem silly to require the developer to keep the unit vacant in the hope at some future date it would be a tube station entrance. However if the space became a shop/office/cafe this might prevent a future tube station entrance in this location – meaning the tube entrance would be pushed further round the corner away from the town centre?
This is a nice development for students and close to amenities and transport.
The retail space may be used by some of the shops in the Lewisham Centre in the future when they have to relocate from Lewisham shopping Centre to allow the redevelopment of the existing Lewisham Centre and new homes to be built. if planning permission is granted for the site.
it is a shame the new Lewisham Station entrance is not in use to make it easier for passengers to enter and leave the station. With some extra staff recruited and placed at this station entrance there is no reason why this entrance cannot be used.
Sadly I cannot see the extension of the Bakerloo Line happening with in the next decade if it now goes ahead at all.
There is no need to staff the new entrance. Just put in ticket barriers, but leave them open as is the case at New Cross.
None of those units look very large and are certainly not capable of being temporary homes for the big retailers in the centre – Boots, Sainsbury’s and TK Maxx. As for the Bakerloo extension to Lewisham, that won’t be built in my lifetime.
@ Anonymous201481. Not all the stores in the Lewisham Centre are large stores like Boots, Sainsbury’s and TK Maxx. There are many smaller retailers located with in the shopping Centre.
I agree with ticket barriers being put in place at the new entrance of Lewisham Station. However, stations do require more staff for health and safety and to asssit passengers including disabled passengers using the station.
A stupid comment to say staff are not needed at Station entrances. We are seeing an increase in attacks on trains, Reports of disabled people getting stuck at stations as there are no staff to assist them. All stations need more staff from first to last trains.
@CDT, yes there are a lot of smaller units in the shopping BUT if the plan is to rebuild, where will the giants go pro-tem?
@Kay, ideally all stations should be staffed but that is not the route the train operating companies is walking. Staff at Lewisham station is concentrated at the main portal, there is no one manning the barriers on platform one.