Police officer attacked by group on Bexleyheath Broadway

Footage has emerged of a sole police officer being attacked by a group on Bexleyheath Broadway.

The incident is reported to have occurred on 14 February at 11:38pm. Video shows the officer draw his baton after a group were arguing at a bus stop.

The officer suffered injuries after being overpowered and hit while on the floor. Two men came to his aid including a chef at a nearby restaurant.

Four men were arrested at the scene. One was arrested later.

In recent weeks a number of London town centres have seen dedicated police teams, but Bexleyheath is not one of them. Woolwich, Bromley and Lewisham are three of a number of town centres across London where the met have added 500 officers.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

3 thoughts on “Police officer attacked by group on Bexleyheath Broadway

  • Genuinely shocking and disgusting. Hope the officers colleagues were just as gentle getting the culprets into the back of the police van and use as much resource as required to get anyone that fled the scene

  • A cowardly attack by a group of men on a lone Police Officer…Ii hope the Police Officer makes a full recovery from his injuries..

    The two men who came to the Officers rescue should be recognised for bravery with an award.

  • So shocking,a cowardly attack on one man! Disgusting


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