Woolwich shop fined for selling illegal products

A cosmetics shop in Woolwich has been fined £5,600 and told to pay £4,000 in costs after being found selling illicit goods.

Shaba hair and cosmetics – located at 37 Powis Street – saw its owner Shazeb Ahmed was also fined £2000 with an additional 12 months community order involving 100 hours unpaid work.

Store seen on left beside Three

According to Greenwich Council, Trading Standards seized 243 non-compliant items. Samples were taken of nine products with tests conducted for the presence of hydroquinone and clobetasol propionate.

The council said they discovered the steroid which is only permitted to be used in medicines, with the authority stating “both ingredients are prohibited due to the health risks associated with their use. Without proper control or regulation by a doctor or pharmacist, products with a high percentage of steroids can have extremely harmful side effects, including skin thinning and muscle loss.”

In March two other Woolwich shops selling cosmetics were fined £26,000.



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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    2 thoughts on “Woolwich shop fined for selling illegal products

    • Great result from Greenwich Trading Standards. These products are very dangerous. There are also a lot of fake hair and body products out there that can cause serious burns and injuries. As they use and fake ingredients that are not fully tested for safety. So please be careful.

    • That fine is too generous.
      They need to fine this crooks hard! So that others will be afraid. That fine is just a slap on the wrist.


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