Greenwich U-turn on fortnightly recycling bin collections after a day

Greenwich Council have this afternoon announced they’re NOT adopting fortnightly bin collections for recycling a day after stating they would.

The authority announced the measure yesterday and even included it in their weekly rag Greenwich Info. Ironically most copies of that fine publication end up in the recycling bin unread – which was exactly the bins that were to no longer see weekly collection.

But what’s this? Today those announcements from the council were deleted. Something was afoot.

And now this afternoon they’ve announced weekly collection of blue top bins will continue.

Has GLLaB done something useful and found some staff?

Changes next year

Next year’s move to fortnightly collection of black top bins will however continue.

The latest move was unplanned and a result of a lack of HGV drivers.

Changes in 2023 are long-planned and were part of consultation taken way back in 2019, covered on this site in November of that year.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

3 thoughts on “Greenwich U-turn on fortnightly recycling bin collections after a day

  • The may have U-turned but my Blue Bin and all the others in my road are still sitting there awaiting collection. Both the Black and Green bins were collected first thing this morning.

  • Yeah same here in Charlton, my whole road all the blue tops and recycling piles are getting sky high and it’s only been a day, people are starting to-fly tip outside my house now because of it.

  • Well done to all the people who posted comments on the previous article about recycling bins to be collected fortnightly. You made some very valid comments. Great news to know the recycling bins will continue to be collected weekly.

    My road too has all the blue top bins still out since Monday morning. To encourage recycling and stop fly tipping outside people homes it is important that recycling bins are emptied weekly.

    Large items can be collected by the Council on a previously agreed date. Just call the Council or go on line to arrange for a large item collection. Please do not fly tip outside other people’s homes there is absolutely no need for this.


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