Another application submitted to demolish Eltham police station
Yet another planning application has been submitted to demolish the recently closed Eltham police station.
At least two prior plans have been submitted. One in September 2022 was refused, which followed approval in early 2022.
The follow up application altered access routes during demolition which raised concerns. An accompanying report states: “The proposal is for a revision of a previously approved Demolition Plan of the building using the existing access from Well Hall Rd.

This proposal intends to utilise Orangery Lane, Archery Rd and Eltham High St as haulage routes. Given the sensitive nature of those roads containing residential, retail, a Leisure centre and a school, objection is raised to the use of this route as it is likely to increase unnecessary congestion and potential safety implications”.
This latest application attempts to address issue, and can be seen here.

The police station closed in recent years and dated from 1937.
It was the latest in a large number of closures in the borough under both previous London Mayors, as both saw heavy cuts imposed from central government and the Home Office.
Woolwich police station is now housing within a converted building. Greenwich police station was demolished for new housing.