Official ceremony marks start of Greenwich tower

A ceremony has been held to mark work commencing on a Greenwich tower which will include nearly 500 homes.

It’s tricky to keep on top of all the towers proposed, consulted upon or being built in Greenwich right now but this one is for a site beside St Mary Magdalene school.

Work now underway on plot 18.02

In recent weeks alone we’ve seen consultation on other towers at the Peninsula plus news of a tower in west Greenwich near Deptford creek.

The tower that’s just started will certainly make its presence known topping out at 30 storeys in height.

A 2017 plan was replaced which the current design which seems a shame, as the blocks had some colour and understated elegance. Replacement mid-rises now have tacked-on balconies.

2017 plan now replaced

The site sits at the junction of West Parkside and John Harrison Way.

Utility work was undertaken around the site at the end of 2022, with work now set to finally begin after many years of inactivity.

Link from site to east Greenwich shops, buses and rail station

Broken record time now, and despite yet more housing there’s no plan at all to improve pedestrian and cycling links from Greenwich peninsula housing to east Greenwich’s shops, public transport links, library and leisure centre.

No direct path from school and new homes to footway leading to east Greenwich

Control of this area is split between TfL and Greenwich Council with most under the local council. Neither haver plans for improvement.

Footpath ahead stops with pedestrians then forced on detours as vehicle dominance persists

But remember, shop local!

What do you mean you’ll drive to a retail park as its far easier and more pleasant than walking in parts of Greenwich?

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

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