Work underway on Plumstead fire station extension
Work is now well underway on plans to extend Plumstead fire station on the High Street.
As covered last year, plans look excellent and will see fire engine access moved to face the High Street rather than Lakedale Road.

There were prior suggestions the fire station may move closer to the one-way system around the bus garage which the extension puts to bed.
A London Fire Brigade report stated: “The most recent decision in November 2015 by the former London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA FEP 2527) agreed to secure land at Griffin Manor Way for a new build fire station”.

Peabody then chose not to progress that plan. Another idea for a site on Nathan Way came to nothing.
Before becoming a wasteland for many years, the site of the extension was formerly a bakers.

Renovations will also be undertaken on the existing fire station dating from 1907 alongside the creation of a community space.
A London Fire Brigade report listed the Grade II listed building as being the sixth worst in London.
Good news will improve the facilities for our brave firefighters.and help to secure the future of this fire station..