Fancy cycling using Silvertown tunnel? Don’t laugh. TfL launch consultation

Well this brings out a chuckle.

Transport for London have announced a consultation on cyclists using the Silvertown tunnel.

Of course, the tunnel has no provision whatsover for cyclists or pedestrians to travel through directly so what’s on offer is cycling on 1970s-esque roads to then stop, get off, wait for a bus then travel over, get off and meet similarly awful streets north of the tunnel.

Area’s streets almost entirely focused on vehicles

Yeah, few are doing that.

For all the PR waffle, this is no trip most people would ever take more than once.

Unless living in a *very* select area, reaching the proposed bus isn’t enticing.  Fancy using this junction if cycling from east Greenwich and wider afield?

Any plans by TfL to improve the area for pedestrians and cyclists?


What about Greenwich who are actually in control of this area in the midst of mass housebuilding and seen income from said new housing?

No. Well, no time soon. How about 2037? See the below timeline they recently produced – after their new transport strategy which is supposed to be pro-active travel.

Improvements many years away

It’s pitiful. Consultations here and there but nothing ever really happens on the ground.

Get past Greenwich controlled hostile streets and then reach TfL’s area

One wonders if Mayor Sadiq Khan is ignorant and really believes this area is usable for active travel, or just ignores it and hopes for some good PR?

TfL’s Walking and Cycling Commissioner Will Norman, who appears to have little clue of the area, said: “Making cycling easier and more attractive to Londoners is a top priority for the Mayor.

These plans will mean that cyclists will benefit from easier travel between the Greenwich Peninsula and Silvertown, enabling more people to make the switch to active travel and helping to build a better, greener London for everyone.

I encourage Londoners to have their say in TfL’s consultation and let us know how this innovative service could best serve them.”

Streets connecting Greenwich peninsula with east Greenwich

Anyone who knows the area knows this is a nonsense. And there’s nothing planned anytime soon to improve it, which is the real kicker.

This is akin to new bus routes recently announced. After halving proposed buses running through the tunnel each each hour from 37.5 to 20 and three routes (of which one route already runs) we now see the reality. The existing 129 bus will extend almost nowhere anyone south of the Thames will want to go (Beckton estates?), and another route becomes an express route almost as soon as entering Greenwich borough and thus serves few people.

Proposed bus routes.

Greenwich Council were sold a fantasy they bought into lock stock and barrel for many, many years – and in the end brings very little for public transport users or those who want to cycle.

Got to tick those consultation boxes though.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

One thought on “Fancy cycling using Silvertown tunnel? Don’t laugh. TfL launch consultation

  • Thanks for giving this some publicity. I needed something to make me laugh.


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