No direct services from Woolwich Arsenal to Stratford for 10 days

Transport for London are warning passengers of a 10-day closure of the DLR between Canning Town and Stratford International between Saturday 19 and Monday 28 August.

That will impact services from Woolwich Arsenal where DLR services generally alternate between trains every five minutes heading to Bank and then Stratford International.

Canning Town station. Jubilee line required to reach Stratford during closure

The Jubilee line does run alongside the DLR between Canning Town and Stratford, but doesn’t call at some areas such as Stratford High Street and terminates in Stratford rather than running beyond to Stratford International as the DLR does.

Incidentally I’ve been around Stratford a fair bit this week taking photos for future posts.

Woolwich DLR station. No direct Stratford trains for 10 days

A tower close to Stratford international continues to take shape, with many other changes also visible even on the small stretch between Stratford and Stratford International including new museums and BBC studios. More soon on that.



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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

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