Greenwich housing blocks near completion at Millennium Village

Further housing blocks on the Greenwich Millennium Village site are nearing completion as scaffolding is taken down.

Plots 202 and 203 of the site should see residents move in before the year is out. Together they comprise 241 flats.

Overview of Greenwich Millennium Village plots

Overall the GMV site is due to have 2,800 homes when finally complete.

Last year plot 301 completed though no work appears apparent on adjacent plots 401 and 402.

Plot 301 on left completed in 2022

Plots 401 to 405 total 489 homes under approved plans. Plots 501 to 503 will see a car park and commercial space.

Delays would hardly be a surprise. The name Greenwich Millennium Village is testament to how long it’s taken to build this site out.

The UK’s up-and-down, boom-and-bust housing market does little for long term planning or providing needed homes. Government intervention to regularly push prices in turn harm the wider economy.

Vast empty areas of land 25 years after GMV work begun. Will it be complete by 2030?

So with house prices now heading south after various government measures over the years to push the “market” up far faster than wage growth, building will be on the back burner in many areas. Just as the population pushes ever higher.

In terms of “affordable” homes the GMV site has little at around 20 per cent.

Large roundabouts and dual carriageways abound. Poor or non existent pedestrians crossings. Street design almost entirely vehicle dominated after thousands of homes built across area

The overall GMV masterplan was approved some time ago between the developer and authority and pretty much ignored any attempt to integrate new homes with the existing urban fabric. As has agreements made at many other developments in the area.

I note some trees have recently been planted on a large roundabout. Nice and all but hardly does a lot to make crossing roads safer or have any real impact on improving routes on foot between new homes and amenities and transport links in east Greenwich.

Section 106 income agreements and allocation also ignores improved integration of new housing into shops to the east in Charlton.

It’s pretty standard tokenistic behaviour. No real effort to encourage active travel but the authority’s Highways and Planning Departments can turn around and say we put trees in from a tiny S106 allocation.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

One thought on “Greenwich housing blocks near completion at Millennium Village

  • Spot on article about the contempt we plebs are treated by the governing class. It’s called Necropolitics. They want us dead or least alive physically but dead in every other sense.


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